
It’s the early symptom of cancer that most often goes unnoticed, experts say

Blood test tube.

It’s so easy to put our own personal health needs last. Maybe your spouse, children, or parents have their own busy schedule of doctor appointments and activities that you need to stay on top of. Maybe your job takes up so much of your energy that you can’t imagine adding a doctor’s appointment to your to-do list, especially if you’re not feeling sick.

But according to oncologists, no matter how busy you are, it’s essential to prioritize your personal health. Thinking about your health only when you need medical intervention would be a mistake. There is an early symptom of cancer that often goes unnoticed because many of us are “too busy” to notice it. According to Dr. Susanna Greer, Ph.D.., an immunologist specializing in oncology and autoimmune disease research and scientific director of the V Foundation for Cancer Research, this often-missed sign involves ignoring when something is not normal for you or dismissing a change in your body which is not. typical.

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Why taking action when something is wrong is key to cancer prevention

There are many types of cancers, so it’s no surprise that Dr. Greer says they present in different ways. If you want to catch cancer early, she says it’s essential to be in tune with your body (knowing what’s normal for you and what’s not). “In general, the warning signs of all cancers are changes in your body that are different from what is normal for you,” she says. “Specific warning signs include, but are not limited to, fatigue, changes in bowel or bladder habits, sores that do not heal, unusual bumps, areas of thickness or discharge, changes in breathing such as shortness of breath, cough, hoarseness, unexplained weight loss, chronic indigestion and wart changes.

Dr. Alfred Vargas, MD, an oncologist and hematologist at OhioHealth, echoes Dr. Greer, saying that some specific changes to watch out for are unexplainable changes in weight, fatigue, changes in bowel habits, bumps on the skin, and ulcers or sores. non-healing wounds on the skin. or the mouth. For women, Dr. Kellie Rath, MDgynecologic oncologist at OhioHealth, adds that inability to eat a full meal, blood in urine or stool, irregular vaginal bleeding, abnormal lesions on the skin, breast mass, new abdominal or pelvic pain, new Shortness of breath or cough, swollen lymph nodes, among other symptoms, can be signs of cancer.

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To be clear, this doesn’t mean that if you suddenly start feeling tired or experience digestive upset, you should automatically assume you have cancer. This is not at all true. This simply means that any changes you experience should not be ignored and should be taken as a sign that you should see your doctor for a check-up.

During your visit, Dr. Rath advises you to explain to your doctor what your new symptoms are and why you are concerned. If you’re worried you might have cancer, she recommends bringing someone you trust to your appointment. “Often the symptoms of cancer can be subtle. It’s also scary to see a healthcare professional when you’re worried about cancer,” she says. “Taking a family member or friend with you to the visit can help ease these feelings and provide a second pair of ears to remember everything you discussed during your visit. »

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Healthy habits that can reduce your risk of cancer

Cancer isn’t always preventable, but all three experts say there are habits that can help reduce the risk. “(Top) of my list of things to do to reduce our cancer risk is to reduce our exposure to known carcinogens, including cigarette smoke and tobacco, UV rays from the sun, alcohol and fatty foods” , explains Dr. Greer. She adds that getting vaccinated against the human papillomavirus (HPV), staying physically active and getting regular screenings for breast, cervical, prostate and colorectal cancers can also play a role in preventing or early detection of cancer.

Dr. Vargas and Dr. Rath also recommend all of these actions. “Big changes can be difficult, but making a daily effort to be aware of the factors that contribute to risk and reporting symptoms early can have a big impact,” says Dr. Vargas.

In addition to all these actions, Dr. Rath says knowing your family history of cancer is also beneficial. “Some patients with a strong family history of cancer are eligible for genetic testing,” she says, adding that genetic testing can help identify genes that may increase your risk of developing cancer. “If you carry certain genes, you might be prescribed medications or undergo surgeries to help prevent cancer,” she says.

Finally, if you have questions about cancer prevention, Dr. Rath advises you to consult your doctor. That’s what they’re there for!

While you don’t want to live in constant fear of having cancer, it’s important to stay in control of your own health, and that starts with knowing what’s normal and what’s not normal for you. If you notice something is wrong, don’t avoid finding out why because of fear or agitation. Regardless of the cancer, early detection is essential.

Next: If you have this extremely common health problem, it could increase your risk of cancer by 30%


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Gn Health

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