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It’s disgusting to stop Trump from attending Barron’s graduation for a partisan sham trial that shames America

There are many reasons to criticize Donald Trump.

He is a deliberately polarizing public figure who enjoys shooting from the verbal hip, delights in viciously taunting his opponents, and displays an often brutal and uncompromising style that drives many people to apoplexy.

But one thing you can’t say about Trump is that he’s a bad father.

I have been around him many times when he was with his five children – Don Jr., Eric, Ivanka, Tiffany and Barron – and he is a proud and loving father and that feeling is shared by all of them.

As every parent knows, you can’t fake this kind of relationship with your children, and it takes a lot of work to achieve mutual respect and genuine affection.

So I can only imagine how he and his youngest son, now 18, must have felt when the judge in Trump’s unprecedented criminal trial suggested yesterday that he could be jailed if he tried to skip a day in court, even if it had to be. at Barron’s graduation from Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach on May 17.

I was at my youngest son’s graduation ceremony from an English university last year and it was one of the best days of both our lives; a joyous celebration of his years of hard work, enjoyed with all his closest friends and their families.

And if anyone deserves this kind of day, it’s Barron, who had to grow up amid the fierce storm of his father’s controversial political and presidential career.

It must have been so difficult for him to be the son of the most controversial and controversial figure of the 21st century.

Yet none of this appears to have much affected Judge Juan Merchan, who is overseeing the trial and warned Trump yesterday that if he tried to miss a day in court, then he could be thrown in a jail cell.

Merchan has not yet rejected Trump’s request to attend the graduation, but he said “it really depends on how we do on the deadline and where we are in the trial.”

Is that true, judge?

Shouldn’t it really depend on your basic sense of humanity towards a father and a son?

As Trump said in court: “It looks like the judge is not going to let me go to my son’s graduation who has worked very, very hard and is an excellent student and very proud of the fact that he did so well and is looking forward to it. for years to graduate there with his mother and father.

This small, but very personally significant moment, which occurred yesterday on the opening day of this trial, pretty much sums up this entire unedifying farce.

In the annals of American presidential history, has there ever been a less costly, more humiliating, and completely unnecessary attempt to shame and humiliate one of only 46 men to serve as President of the United States?

This whole Stormy Daniels saga is so pathetic.

Honestly, who cares if Trump might have had a one-night stand with a porn star 18 years ago?

If Stormy told me in an interview last year, then it was a completely consensual affair – which Trump denies – between two adults who knew exactly what they were doing.

And Trump wasn’t a politician back then, he was a billionaire real estate mogul and TV star.

You can have moral disapproval about this if you want, but the idea that this has now led to a criminal trial where Trump faces up to 10 years in prison is ridiculous.

It is patently evident that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg was motivated by political malice in bringing the 34-count indictment accusing Trump of falsifying business records to conceal money payments secrets in order to buy Stormy’s silence before the 2016 elections.

Even if that’s exactly what Trump did, it would be no different than the myriad of similar deals the rich and famous in America make at any given time to stop damaging stories about them — true or false.

And there is such stinking hypocrisy in the way Democrats have tried to destroy Trump for alleged sexual peccadilloes.

Bill Clinton had sex with an Oval Office intern while he was sitting president and paid $850,000 to settle a case with Paula Jones, who accused him of harassing and assaulting her while he was governor of Arkansas.

Both of these things seem considerably more serious to me than whatever Trump did with Stormy Daniels in a Beverly Hills hotel.

Yet I don’t recall Clinton undergoing any criminal trial.

However, I do remember him attending his daughter Chelsea’s graduation from Sidwell Friends High School in 1997, kissing her off stage after she received her diploma, and then he gave a moving speech in front of all the students to express his great pride.

It is outrageous that Donald and Barron Trump are deprived of the same shared experience.

If Judge Merchan bars him from attending next month, Trump should ignore him and go to the graduation.

If Merchan then tries to imprison him for doing what any loving father in America would do in the same situation, Trump would win the election by a landslide.

New York Post

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