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Israeli Trophy APS Missile Fails to Intercept Iranian Almas ATGM

Lebanese Hezbollah fighters targeted another Israeli Merkava Mk.4M “super tank”. The incident occurred near Chabad Yarin in northern Israel, and the tank was destroyed by an Iranian Almas anti-tank missile system. The strike was captured on video, revealing crucial information about the Israeli Trophy active protection system aboard the tank.

Israeli Trophy APS Missile Fails to Intercept Iranian Almas ATGM
Screenshot of the video

According to the footage, it appears that the Trophy active protection system (APS) detected the anti-tank missile too late to react effectively. The system managed to quickly deploy the protective shields of the KAZ launcher’s mortars, but apparently did not fire the interceptors in time to counter the missile.

The crew’s actions raise several questions. The tank commander was filmed hanging from the hatch just below a flying missile. This behavior probably left him with no chance of survival.

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Photo credit: IDF

It is worth recalling that the Israeli army once touted the Merkava Mk.4M tank as an invulnerable fighting machine. Many, including Western military experts, called it the best tank in the world. However, the Israeli army’s ground operation in the Gaza Strip shattered this perception. Hamas fighters managed to destroy a significant number of Israeli tanks, leaving the country’s military-industrial complex to defend its reputation.

The recent conflict between the Israeli Defense Forces and the Lebanese Hezbollah movement has also damaged the reputation of the Israeli army. Recently, the fighters managed to destroy a few tanks, undermining the apparent invincibility of their armored forces.

The international community is actively trying to prevent Israel from launching a full-scale invasion of Lebanese territory. Despite these efforts, the Israeli military and political leadership has ignored these calls and has moved significant infantry forces and military equipment to the northern regions of the country.

Israeli APS Trophy
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The Trophy active tank protection system, also known as ASPRO-A, is an advanced defensive technology developed by Israeli defense company Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. It is designed to protect armored vehicles, such as tanks, from incoming threats such as anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs). The system is considered one of the most effective active protection systems (APS) in use today.

The Trophy system uses a combination of radar and countermeasures to detect, track and neutralize incoming threats. It uses a set of radar antennas mounted around the vehicle to provide 360-degree coverage. When an incoming projectile is detected, the radar system calculates its trajectory and determines whether it poses a threat to the vehicle.

Once the threat is confirmed, the Trophy system activates its countermeasures. These countermeasures typically consist of small explosive-shaped projectiles or fragments that are launched toward the incoming threat. The goal is to intercept and destroy or deflect the projectile before it can impact the vehicle. This interception typically occurs at a safe distance from the vehicle, minimizing the risk of damage.

KMW presents Leopard 2A7 tank with Trophy APS in Czech Republic
Photo credit: Twitter

The Trophy system has been praised for its effectiveness in real combat situations. It has been successfully deployed on Israeli Merkava tanks and has reportedly intercepted many incoming threats during conflicts. The system’s ability to protect armored vehicles significantly improves their survivability on the battlefield.

In addition to its defensive capabilities, the Trophy system also provides valuable situational awareness to the vehicle crew. The radar system can detect the origin of the incoming threat, allowing the crew to identify and react to enemy positions. This feature adds an additional tactical advantage in combat scenarios.

In addition to the Merkava, the Trophy Active Protection System (APS) has been integrated into several other tanks. The M1 Abrams, the main battle tank of the US Army, is a notable example. The United States has actively modernized its fleet with the Trophy APS system to improve the survivability of its armored units against anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs).

US M1A1 Abrams could be equipped with 'hunter-kill' anti-helicopter sensors
Photo: Wikipedia

The German Leopard 2 is another tank equipped with the Trophy APS system. The Leopard 2 is widely regarded as one of the best main battle tanks in the world, and the addition of the Trophy system further enhances its defensive capabilities. Germany is working on integrating this system to provide better protection for its armored forces during operations.

The British Army has also expressed interest in the Trophy APS system for its Challenger 2 tanks. Although the system is not yet fully integrated, trials and evaluations have been conducted to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of the system on the Challenger 2 platform. This initiative is part of the UK’s wider efforts to modernise its armoured fleet.

In addition, Poland is considering acquiring the Trophy anti-tank protection system for its future tank purchases. As Poland seeks to strengthen its defense capabilities, integrating advanced protection systems like the Trophy is considered a crucial step to ensure the survivability of its armored units in modern combat scenarios.


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