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World News

Israeli protesters block humanitarian convoy heading to Gaza

STORY: :: Israeli protesters block aid convoy heading to Gaza

:: Tarqumiya checkpoint, West Bank

:: May 13, 2024

:: Four demonstrators, including a minor, were arrested.

according to the lawyers who represent them

Videos posted on social media showed protesters throwing supplies from trucks onto the ground, with the contents of open boxes strewn across the road.

The video was verified by the buildings, signs and hills seen in the footage which matched the checkpoint footage. Separate visuals from the same location also show the same truck being unloaded, which corroborates the video.

Last week, four people were arrested in southern Israel after a similar protest by Israelis who opposed the delivery of humanitarian supplies to an area controlled by the Islamist movement Hamas, according to their lawyers.

The protests come as Israel faces intense international pressure to step up the flow of aid to Gaza, where international organizations have warned of a serious humanitarian crisis threatening a population of more than 2 million people.


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