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Israeli defense minister attacks Netanyahu on future of Gaza

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Legend, Yoav Gallant (left) is responsible for the Israeli war in Gaza

  • Author, Paul Adams in Jerusalem and Ali Abbas Ahmadi in London
  • Role, BBC News

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has openly expressed his frustration with the government’s failure to address the issue of a post-war plan for Gaza.

In a rare public sign of divisions over the direction of the military campaign within Israel’s war cabinet, Mr. Gallant urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to publicly declare that Israel does not intend to take power civilian and military in Gaza.

“Since October, I have raised this issue consistently within the Cabinet,” he said, “and have received no response.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded harshly, saying he was “not ready to exchange Hamastan for Fatahstan”, referring to rival Palestinian groups Hamas and Fatah.

Indecision, he warned, would leave Gaza with only two bad options: Hamas rule or Israeli military rule.

Either would “erode our military achievements, reduce pressure on Hamas and sabotage the chances of reaching a framework for the release of the hostages,” Mr. Gallant said.

Another war cabinet member, Benny Gantz – who has been at odds with Netanyahu in the past – agreed with the defense minister: “Gallant is telling the truth. It is the responsibility of leaders to do everything price what is right for the country.”

Mr. Gallant said the defense establishment, which he presides over, presented a war plan to cabinet the night Israel’s ground invasion of Gaza began last October. He said the plans included proposals “aimed at establishing a local, non-hostile Palestinian government alternative.”

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Legend, Gallant met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the Kerem Shalom crossing between Israel and Gaza earlier this month.

The next day, Hamas, he declared, “will only be reached by the takeover of Gaza by Palestinian entities, accompanied by international actors.”

He said these proposals were never debated and no alternatives were presented.

Mr Gallant said the failure to develop a plan was leading Israel down a “dangerous path” involving Israeli military and civilian rule over Gaza.

He described this prospect as “a negative and dangerous option for the State of Israel on strategic, military and security levels.”

“I must reiterate: I will not accept the establishment of Israeli military rule in Gaza. Israel must not establish civilian rule in Gaza.

“I call on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to make a decision and declare that Israel will not establish civilian control over the Gaza Strip, that Israel will not establish military governance in the Gaza Strip and that a government alternative to Hamas in the Gaza Strip will be noted immediately. »

Reports in the Israeli press have recently suggested that military leaders have serious reservations about the lack of a viable plan for Gaza after the war ends. Mr. Gallant’s comments this evening brought these fears to light in a politically explosive way.

During a visit to Ukraine on Wednesday, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said Israel must develop a clear plan for Gaza’s future.

“We cannot have anarchy and a vacuum that can be filled by chaos,” Mr. Blinken said.

Mr Netanyahu has previously insisted that discussions over the future governance of Gaza would be “empty talk” as long as Hamas remained in the territory.

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