
Isolation appears to be a factor in cognitive decline among older adults in Florida

June is Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain Awareness Month, an important time to remind Floridians to take action for brain health.

Recent data of Florida Department of Health shows that one in 10 Floridians age 45 and older report experiencing confusion or memory loss that is occurring more often or getting worse. However, healthy habits based on the latest research, may help reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

  • Floridians with less than a high school diploma experienced the most subjective cognitive decline, at 23 percent, compared to college graduates, at 6.7 percent. Studies show that education reduces the risk of cognitive decline.
  • More than 85 percent of those who have experienced cognitive decline in Florida have at least one chronic illness. Research has shown that managing chronic conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure can reduce the risk of decline.
  • More than a quarter of Floridians with cognitive decline (27.2%) reported living alone. Isolation and lack of stimulation can harm brain health. Continuing to challenge your mind can have both short- and long-term benefits for your brain.

News Source :
Gn Health

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