
Is “The Sympathizer” a worthy adaptation of his acclaimed book?

Hoa Xuande dans <em>The sympathizer.</em>‘/></p><p>It’s rare to find a series with such an impeccable pedigree as HBO’s. <em>The sympathizer</em>.  It is based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, co-created by auteur director Park Chan-wook, and stars Robert Downey, Jr. in four supporting roles.  Set during and after the Vietnam War, the series follows a man (Hoa Xuande) juggling a job in the South Vietnamese army with a job as a spy for the North Vietnamese.  But is it a worthy adaptation?</p><p><img data-lazyloaded="1" src="" decoding="async" data-src="https://media.npr.org/include/images/tracking/npr-rss-pixel.png?story=1197964774" /></p><p>Entertainment</p><div class=

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