Intruder at Sydney Airport runs onto tarmac before attempting to board flight

A brazen intruder was captured walking across a jet bridge and onto a busy tarmac before attempting to board a nearby plane at an Australian airport.

The unidentified 30-year-old man allegedly crossed the screening zone to breach security at Sydney International Airport on Friday, 9 News reported.

Australian Federal Police said they managed to arrest the man as he walked towards the tarmac.

The unidentified 30-year-old man caused a major security breach at Sydney International Airport on Friday. 9 NEWS

“AFP agents arrested a 30-year-old man who allegedly ran through the main control zone and accessed restricted areas, including the tarmac,” the media outlet said in a statement.

An apron connects the terminals to the airfield, where baggage and passengers board an aircraft.

Witnesses claimed to have seen the man walk through the airport’s immigration control area and towards the airport tarmac, the Daily Telegraph reported.

He allegedly attempted to board the hold of a flight to Sri Lanka, but was prevented from doing so by baggage handlers.

The man is seen walking calmly on the top of the apron, looking toward the tarmac, shocking video obtained by 9 News showed.

Australian Federal Police said they managed to arrest the man as he walked towards the tarmac. 9 NEWS
The man is seen approaching baggage handlers loading a plane. 9 NEWS

The clip then shows him being confronted by baggage handlers as they loaded the flight to Sri Lanka, who appeared to be trying to claim him and were looking for help.

Moments later, police are seen pulling the man from an elevator near the hold.

While he is thrown to the ground, we see the suspect resisting three police officers who ended up handcuffing him.

The intruder was charged with a court summons for violating restricted areas of the airport.

The man is seen being removed from the elevator through the plane’s hold. 9 NEWS

Violating restricted areas of an Australian airport can result in a fine of up to $5,500 and, in some cases, imprisonment depending on the severity.

Following his arrest, the man was banned from Sydney International Airport for 12 months.

He was also taken to a hospital for evaluation, police said.

We see the suspect resisting three police officers who ended up handcuffing him. 9 NEWS

It is suspected that the man suffered from a mental health problem.

In February, a man was filmed in a dramatic video running on the tarmac at Los Angeles International Airport and suffered minor injuries when officers arrested him.

Authorities believe he was under the influence of a substance during the incident.

Similarly, in 2021, a woman was filmed being slammed to the ground while trying to get a plane off at the Southwest Airlines gate at LAX.

She was transported to a local hospital for minor injuries and a mental health evaluation.

New York Post

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