Inside the Beltway: PBS criticized for using taxpayer money for biased political coverage

You would think that a major national political convention would deserve fair and impartial coverage from major broadcasters. That is not always the case.

“The Republican and Democratic conventions are over, and it’s clear which party was the favorite of taxpayer-funded PBS during their three hours of live primetime coverage. Not even the attempted assassination of the former president Donald Trump “calmed down the overwhelming negativity with which the PBS panel greeted the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee in July,” he wrote. Clayey watersanalyst for, a conservative media monitoring site.

“Yet, a month later, the vice president Kamala Harris and a familiar cast of Democratic faces were enthusiastically welcomed by the same network at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago,” he wrote.

And the main conclusions?

“Hostility toward Republicans, support for Democrats: PBS treated the RNC with 72 percent negative comments and 28 percent positive comments. The DNC received a much friendlier reception: 12 percent negative comments, 88 percent positive comments,” Waters wrote in his report, released Wednesday.

“The tone of the questions for Republicans versus Democrats: 89% negative responses for Republican guests versus 61% positive responses for Democratic guests; 68% negative responses for Republican delegates versus 60% positive responses for Democratic delegates,” he added.

The analysis represented a herculean effort by Mr. Waters and others.

“Analysts counted all comments made by PBS reporters during the Republican and Democratic conventions over the eight nights (29 hours and 21 minutes) of coverage: PBS’s 14 hours of Republican National Convention coverage over four nights (July 15-18) and PBS’s 15 hours of Democratic National Convention coverage over four nights (August 19-22). Analysts sorted the comments by reporter and rated them as positive, negative or neutral toward the convention being covered,” Waters said.

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Donald Trump He can count on another religious group to win back the White House. Mr. Trump’s campaign reveals that a “Catholics for Trump” coalition is now active.

“The coalition is committed to preserving the vital principles of religious freedom and defending the family values ​​that President Donald J. Trump has so passionately championed. Under President Trump’s leadership, our country has seen unprecedented support for religious freedom, with significant victories both domestically and internationally. President Trump has restored protections for faith-based organizations and strengthened the rights of religious institutions against government overreach,” the campaign said in a written statement shared with Inside the Beltway.

“Unlike the Harris-Biden administration, which has systematically undermined these fundamental rights, President Trump has steadfastly defended the core principles of Catholicism. President Trump understands the importance of ensuring religious freedom for all, and unlike Kamala Harris“He also knows the true power of faith and will never take away our God-given rights. This coalition represents an incredible opportunity to show our nation, under God’s authority, what Catholics believe and the morals we stand for,” the statement said.

“Catholics for Trump stands with President Trump in his mission to continue building a nation where the rights of every individual to freely practice their faith are protected. Together, we can secure a future that honors the principles of liberty, faith, and life that are integral to our American heritage, and we will protect the right to engage in the Lord’s divine Truth and hold steadfast His unconditional love that guides us every day,” he said.

“To join Catholics for Trump and get involved, please visit,” the group said.


Edelman, a global communications company with 6,000 employees in more than 60 offices in the United States and around the world, has two notable new hires.

“Edelman appointed former South Carolina governor and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley as Vice President and former U.S. Senator and Ambassador to China, Max Baucus “As a senior advisor to EGA, the firm’s global public affairs consultancy,” Edelman said in a press release Wednesday.

“Politics has become a key consideration for clients when it comes to brand marketing, employee engagement and reputation management,” said Richard EdelmanEdelman CEO, in a written statement.

“During her tenure as governor, Haley had great success attracting foreign businesses to South Carolina, and as ambassador to the United Nations, she helped lead important work on global issues,” he added.

Mr. Edelman also had a thought or two about Mr. Baucus.

“As a former U.S. Ambassador to China under President Obamaand a former U.S. Senator from Montana, Baucus brings unique experience across agriculture, business and technology issues. They will provide clients with unparalleled advice. I am thrilled to have them join the firm,” the CEO also noted.

The two new hires of course had their own statements.

“In an era of increasing complexity in business, politics and policy, brands must anticipate what comes next. Whether navigating a crisis or celebrating success, industry leaders must be prepared to communicate clearly and share their vision for the future. I am excited to join the Edelman team to help their clients navigate the challenges ahead,” said Haley.

Mr. Baucus said he was “thrilled to join Edelman, a firm with such a strong heritage that continues to serve as a trusted advisor to many of the world’s most prominent companies. I look forward to supporting Edelman’s continued growth and success and bringing my experience in international politics and affairs to clients.”


During the week of August 26, Fox News continued to dominate the competition, drawing an average of 2.3 million viewers during that period, according to Nielsen Media Research. During the daytime, Fox averaged 1.4 million viewers during the week.

“The Five” averaged 3.4 million viewers per day and was the most-watched show of the week by viewers. Greg Gutfeld also attracted a significant daily average audience of 2.7 million viewers during the period.

Some Sunday evening programs have also been noted. Prime time host Marc Levin presented the second part of his interview with the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trumpwhich garnered the program’s highest ratings since 2022, with 2 million viewers.


• 47% of U.S. adults plan to vote in person in the November presidential election on Election Day.

• 21% plan to vote in person before Election Day.

• 21% plan to vote by mail or absentee ballot, by sending it by mail or to the post office.

• 10% plan to vote by mail or absentee ballot, returning it to a polling center, election drop box or other official site.

• 1% say they will not vote in the November elections.

SOURCE: An Economist/YouGov poll of 1,544 U.S. adults conducted online September 1-3.

• Contact Jennifer Harper at


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