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Inside Céline Dion’s Rare Health Battle

Dion shared that she was diagnosed with a “very rare” progressive neurological disorder called stiff person syndrome, surely the first time most people had heard of it.

“As you know, I’ve always been an open book,” she said in an Instagram video. “I wasn’t ready to say anything before, but I am now. I have been dealing with health issues for a long time and it has been very difficult for me to face these challenges and talk about everything what’s happening. I’m through.”

She suffered from muscle spasms that affected “every aspect” of her daily life, Dion said, making it difficult to walk at times and, sadder still, it would be impossible for her to go back on tour as she had planned.

“I work hard every day with my sports medicine therapist to regain my strength and ability to perform again,” Dion said. “But I have to admit it was a struggle.”

According to the National Institutes of Health, symptoms include muscle stiffness in the torso, arms and legs, as well as greater sensitivity to noise, touch and emotional distress, all of which can trigger muscle spasms.


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