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Informatica makes a point to say it’s not for sale — to Salesforce or anyone else

Nothing motivates us like a big M&A buzz, and history has shown that where there’s smoke, there’s often fire – but that’s not always the case. Last week, the big rumor involved Salesforce acquiring Informatica in a deal somewhere between 2018’s $6.5 billion MuleSoft deal and the $15.7 billion Tableau acquisition dollars the following year.

This would have been a big deal, except it would have fizzled out over the weekend – if it ever existed. Informatica went so far as to publicly announce on Monday that it was not for sale.

“Additionally, on April 12, 2024, the Wall Street Journal published an article that the company was in advanced talks to be acquired, according to people familiar with the matter. Although Informatica’s policy is not to comment on market rumors or media speculation, the company has announced that it is not currently engaged in any acquisition discussions,” the company wrote in a press release Monday.

You don’t usually see a company respond to rumors this way, but Informatica felt compelled to publicly state that it was not in talks with anyone.

As Constellation’s Ray Wang told TechCrunch on Friday, the deal never really made sense. “The potential acquisition of Informatica is quite curious because the customer base and technology are not cutting edge. While this could potentially solve a data integration problem Salesforce is having, Data Cloud is already a solid offering, so I’m not sure this deal makes sense.

Salesforce, for its part, has stuck to the time-tested policy of not commenting on rumors or speculation.


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