Immigration officer caught taking skirt photos of flight attendant while accompanying migrant facing deportation

A creepy federal immigration cop crossed the line when he tried to film a video up the skirt of a flight attendant on a domestic flight. by accompanying an illegal immigrant being deported.

Billy Olvera, 48, a deportation agent for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, now faces up to 20 years in federal prison after being convicted last week in Miami federal court of obstructing a crew on the 2023 Texas-Florida flight, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. in the Southern District of Florida, said in a press release.

“A flight attendant noticed that Olvera was holding her phone in the aisle, pointed at the ceiling, every time she passed by him,” federal prosecutors said of the incident. November 6, 2023. “The victim notified another flight attendant who then filmed Olvera the next time the victim passed by him.

“Olvera could be seen trying to film the victim’s skirt.”

ICE officer accused of naughty theft.
Billy Olvera, an ICE deportation officer, was transporting an illegal immigrant when he tried to film an upskirt video of an American Airlines flight attendant last year, prosecutors said federal authorities in Florida. The Washington Post via Getty Images

Officers notified the American Airlines pilot, who delayed the landing and arranged for police to meet the plane as it landed.

Police later found several “upskirt” images on the ICE agent’s phone.

Naughty ICE officer on an American Airlines flight.
The pilot of an American Airlines flight delayed landing and had police officers waiting on the ground after a federal ICE officer was caught filming an upskirt video an American Airlines flight attendant. AFP via Getty Images

According to the federal government, Olvera had a migrant in custody during this entire affair and was transporting the unknown immigrant from Dallas to Miami, where he was to be deported.

Olvera was arrested after getting off the plane and stood trial this year – with his sentencing expected on Wednesday.

He is scheduled to be sentenced Aug. 16 by Chief Judge Cecilia Altonaga.

“Mr. Olvera is sincerely remorseful,” the ICE officer’s lawyer, Robert Malove, told the Associated Press. “Mr. Olvera deeply regrets his actions and prays for forgiveness for everyone involved.

Olvera is free on bond pending sentencing.

With post wires

New York Post

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