
If You’re Congested, These Foods Could Be the Cause

Anderson-Haynes suggests consuming anti-inflammatory ingredients to help reduce congestion. Capsaicin, an active compound in cayenne pepper and other hot peppers, can cause blood vessels to open.

“Sinusitis restricts our blood vessels and blood flow…Cayenne opens up those sinuses and reduces inflammation,” she said.

Compounds found in garlic and ginger also reduce inflammation. When cooking with them, certain compounds are reduced, so it is best to only consume them lightly cooked or raw. There are many ways to add these two elements to your daily diet, from sprinkling chopped garlic in salads to using ginger in teas, soups, smoothies or mocktails, a Anderson-Haynes said.

Although there isn’t much scientific evidence, Huh noted that eating hot soup can help with congestion. “The steam will mix with the thick mucus and make it more watery so everything can flow better,” he said.

Because a strong immune system is essential to sinus health, Huh advises eating foods that boost your immune system, like nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables.

Additionally, drinking plenty of (non-alcoholic) fluids can help thin mucus and make it easier to drain congested sinuses, according to Kimberlain.

When to consult a doctor and/or dietician?

Huh recommends seeing a healthcare professional when you have nasal congestion that doesn’t go away after two weeks.

If you think a food or drink is making your congestion worse, Tirumalasetty suggests keeping a journal of what you eat and drink and when you feel congested. She doesn’t recommend food allergy tests to detect congestion: “(They) are really designed to identify life-threatening food allergies – not symptoms like nasal congestion.”

You can also talk to a registered dietitian about elimination diets and substitutes for foods that may trigger your symptoms.

Remember: There are many treatments for nasal congestion, and you don’t have to just suffer from it.

This article was originally published on HuffPost.

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Gn Health

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