If Harris were truly pro-energy, she would push Biden to end the pause on LNG exports

On CNN News Central Friday, Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) said that if she has truly changed her mind on fracking, Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris should pressure President Joe Biden to end the pause on liquefied natural gas (LNG) export permits.

Waltz said: “On fracking, what I find so fascinating is that right now, as she’s the sitting vice president, we have an LNG ban in place for what’s already out of the ground. … I’m talking to European allies, including frontline countries like Lithuania, who were buying from us and are wondering if they’re going to have to go back to buying from the Russians. And, by the way, it would go a long way to helping our inflation and lowering prices for the middle class if we reduced transportation costs. She could go to the Oval Office right now and say, ‘President Biden, lift the LNG ban,’ if she’s suddenly so pro-energy and pro-natural gas. It’s a farce, it’s false, and she’s just telling everybody what they want to hear to get elected. She was telling the progressive left what she wanted in the primaries.” Now she appears to be telling the rest of America what she thinks it wants to hear in a general election.”

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