World News

IDF warns Hamas leaders: we are coming like a flood

The Israeli army dropped leaflets in Arabic on Jabalya in northern Gaza on Monday, warning Hamas leaders: “We are coming” on Monday, according to Palestinian social media.

The leaflets feature text over an image of waves saying: “Oh, Hamas leaders, we are coming. If you come back, we will come back. We will return like a roaring flood until clear victory.”

IDF intervenes to thwart Hamas’ return to Jabalya

On Saturday evening, the IDF 98th Division launched an operation in the Jabalya region following reports that Hamas was reorganizing in the area.

The IDF operates in Jabalya, Gaza, May 2024. (IDF Spokesperson’s Unit)

The Israeli military said on Monday that Israeli forces had destroyed large amounts of underground infrastructure and that several Hamas terrorists had been eliminated. During an airstrike in Jabalya, a Hamas building where a group of terrorists had gathered was destroyed.

In the Zaytoun neighborhood, just south of Jabalya, the IDF has carried out operations in recent days to dismantle Hamas infrastructure in the area.

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Gn world

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