“Last night at dinner, I told my children that I intended to resign as Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Party. “, declared Justin Trudeau on Monday evening. And his successor should, barring any surprises, be a conservative close to Donald Trump, Pierre Poilievre.
Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada (PCC) since 2022, Pierre Poilievre, 45, appeals to a segment of the population, frustrated by inflation and the lack of housing, and at odds with certain societal developments: multiculturalism, wokism… Pierre Poilievre understood it. “I will be the anti-woke Prime Minister of Canada,” he has insisted in the past. A sympathizer with the libertarian right, he promised his fellow citizens to “give them back control of their lives… to make Canada the freest country in the world.” »
A fan of shock formulas that disconcert liberals, such as “Justinflation”, he holds nothing back, with his anti-vax and populist declarations. The leader of the PCC multiplies the excesses, without it harming him: announced dismissal of the governor of the Bank of Canada, withdrawal of “control of money from bankers and politicians to give it to the people”. His program? “Common sense”, as he repeats in all his meetings. And it doesn’t matter if he contradicts himself later. Like Trump, the conservative leader hates journalists and will, if elected, stop funding public radio and television channels.
He is also the antithesis of Trudeau. While the latter was raised by his Prime Minister father in the palaces of the Confederation, Pierre Poilievre was a child adopted by modest public school teachers. He grew up in the cold province of Saskatchewan. Broken to odd jobs at a very young age, he symbolizes Canada struggling to get by. He got involved in politics at a very young age, becoming in Ontario at the age of 25 the youngest member of the House of Commons by defeating the then Liberal Minister of Defense, before being promoted to Minister of Democratic Reform, then Minister of Defense. ‘Employed by Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Pierre Poilievre plays on all sides and their opposites. Pro-abortion, he appears with an anti-abortion MP. He recognizes climate change but is pro-fossil industries. He previously opposed gay marriage, before later defending LGBT rights, recalling that his adoptive father became gay after his divorce. He knows how to use his marriage to a Venezuelan immigrant, with whom he had his two children aged three and five, to seduce immigrants.
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