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I Relate to Donald Trump Falling Asleep in Court

  • Donald Trump would have a hard time staying awake during his first-ever criminal trial.
  • I identify with Trump’s struggle to stay awake!
  • And most Americans should, too. They told Gallup they needed to get more sleep.

I’m not facing 34 criminal charges stemming from secret payments to an adult film actress I allegedly slept with.

Aside from that ? Right now, I feel closer to Donald J. Trump than ever before.

That’s because Trump appears to be having trouble staying awake during his first-ever criminal trial. And, aside from the multiple crimes part – boy, do I know that feeling.

Give me a seat and a place where not much happens? Chances are I’ll doze off a bit.

This has been happening to me at least since high school – which, coincidentally, is when I stopped going to bed at a reasonable hour. What if I was in a classroom where the lights were dimmed for a grainy movie, film or VCR showing Romeo and Juliet? Rehearsal time. College lecture halls when I hadn’t done the reading and couldn’t follow what my professor was saying? Sawing logs.

Sometimes my naps were intentional: like when I entered the working world and discovered I could lie under my cube and take a 10-minute afternoon nap and no one would notice or didn’t care.

For the record: this preceded George Costanza’s move on Seinfeld.

What was less ideal was when I fell asleep while interviewing someone – while sitting in front of them. I don’t know how long I was gone – probably just a few seconds – but certainly long enough for them to notice, and for me to notice that they noticed. I think they were some Swedes selling ringtone software or something, and they were too polite to say anything anyway, so we all pretended like nothing had happened.

Later, when I had kids and started taking them to the movies, I got so used to sleeping in the middle of Pixar that I started to embrace the idea: I would pay to take a nap .

But movie sleep isn’t specific to kids’ movies: A comfortable movie theater is a vibe for me, even when I’m really passionate about movies, like when I went to the new “Dune” last month. (Not all movies: I was wide awake and gripping my chair for “Civil War” last week.)

And yes, I definitely slept a few minutes Tuesday afternoon on the subway. Then I got a second wind and started writing this.

My intuition is that I am not alone here and that some of these words resonate with some of you. Information:

“For the first time, in a Gallup poll since 2001, a majority of American adults, 57%, say they would feel better if they got more sleep, while 42% say they get as much sleep as they need. the numbers last measured were in 2013, when 56% of Americans got the sleep they needed and 43% did not. »

I’m not a doctor and I don’t act on TV, but I’m pretty sure none of this sounds like real narcolepsy. It’s just that we probably don’t get enough sleep — okay, almost certainly — many nights and our bodies need to balance things out during the day.

I don’t know when Donald Trump falls asleep, but I do know that in the days of Twitter, he tended to do a lot of late-night scrolling – also relevant – and posting. And again, I’ve never faced criminal charges or multiple trials, but I bet if I did, I’d have trouble sleeping.

So don’t worry about nap shaming, Mr. Trump – many of us do the same thing. And you have many other things to worry about.


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