I pay $400 a week to advertise myself on a billboard to find love

A “lonely” man tired of being single decided to erect a giant $400-a-week billboard asking for “marriage and karaoke.”

Al Gilberti, 70, in love, paid for the billboard to be erected announcing his wish for a partner.

Found in Sweetwater, Texas, USA, it has already been a success, with Al receiving over 400 calls and 50 emails in just two weeks.

Al Gilberti pays $400 a month for his billboard. Al Gilberti / SWNS

The 20-foot-tall billboard features a photo of Al, next to the text: “Lonely Man May Move to Sweetwater,” followed by “Seeking Female Marriage, Enjoys Karaoke.”

The previously married father-of-one says the majority of calls are from people looking for money, but he hopes he will find “Miss Right” soon.

His three non-negotiables are loyalty, honesty and sincerity and says he would move anywhere in the United States for the right person.

He even says he would move all the way to the UK if it would help him find the love of his life.

Gilberti has now received more than 400 calls and 50 emails in just two weeks. Al Gilberti / SWNS

Al, a former band promoter from Burlington, Vermont, said, “The last one was April 2 and I received over 400 calls and maybe 40 or 50 emails in a little over two weeks.

“My calls are being redirected to a friend’s phone.

“There have been more requests from people looking to get something from me – what I get, I would probably do the same!”

“People were asking me thinking I was someone rich to help them pay their bills!”

I want to meet the right person but this person hasn’t called me yet.

“If I meet the right person, I want to look at their eyes and see how they react.

“I’m going to Europe to meet someone, I just need to sort out my passport.

“I love Europe and I would probably go there – why not?

“I’m looking for someone who is slim and looks demure, I don’t really mind.

“I just want someone who is loyal, I want someone who is honest with themselves and someone who is sincere, who is going to step into something that they really want to be in.”

He said he would go to Europe to meet a woman. Al Gilberti / SWNS

As for what Al can offer a potential partner, he says he knows how to listen and be open-minded.

He added: “I can suggest to someone who will listen.

“I have a retirement income, I’m in good shape, I don’t look my age and I’m open.

“A lot of older people are closed-minded, not me.

“I have been single since 2015.

“I was with someone who was 26 years younger than me – that tells you something else too, if the person is younger than me it doesn’t really bother me.

“I think everyone is a little lonely. If you’re not someone you’re with regularly, you’re lonely.”

A first date for Al depends on where the person is.

He said: “If it’s someone who’s in Europe, they’ll have to be on zoom for a while.

“From there, if the person wants to come to the US that would be great, otherwise I would go to the UK.

“I am willing to move anywhere in the United States.

“It all depends on the person – as long as I don’t want to waste the money and have to leave!”

“Of course, I’m looking for a little fame from the billboard, but I also want to meet the right person.”

New York Post

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