‘I flew over 1,500 miles to meet man I’d been talking to online

A woman traveled 1,151 miles to meet a man she had been talking to online for three years – but he never showed up and ghosted her.

River Blake, 23, traveled cross-country from Lafayette, Louisiana, USA, to Rapid City, South Dakota, on a one-way ticket to meet her “date.”

She says the eight-hour flight was paid for by her date — but after she was absent, River was forced to pay $1,290 to cover accommodation costs and a last-minute ticket for the next day.

River Blake, 23, traveled cross-country from Lafayette, Louisiana, USA, to Rapid City, South Dakota, on a one-way ticket to meet her “date.” Blake River / Southwestern Nova Scotia

River hasn’t spoken to him since and vows to focus solely on his career from now on.

River, a model from Lafayette, New Orleans, said: “I spent three to four hours in the airport going around in circles – and when I realized he wasn’t coming to pick me up, I left.

“I booked a Hilton for two nights, met a nice guy through a friend and he showed me the city.

“It sure still hurts – it really rubbed me the wrong way – but at least I was able to do some sightseeing.”

She says the eight-hour flight was paid for by her date – but he didn’t show up afterwards. Blake River / Southwestern Nova Scotia

River’s date first appeared in her DMs in 2019 – saying he spotted her modeling work and found her “beautiful”.

They both had a lot in common – including a passion for truck shows and a full-time job in social media – which gave them plenty to talk about.

Despite living in different states, the two spoke almost every day for five years and had many mutual friends, leading River to believe he was the real deal.

“I spent three to four hours at the airport going around in circles – and when I realized he wasn’t coming to pick me up, I left,” Blake said. Blake River / Southwestern Nova Scotia

She said: “We FaceTimed every night – but our relationship was a bit weird – like vapid.

“Sometimes he would disappear for a while, then reappear as if nothing had happened.”

On February 9, 2024, River’s date suddenly told her that he wanted to take her on a one-way plane ride and move in with him.

She said he told her he was building a house and wanted her to come help him decorate it.

He paid for his plane ticket and on February 17, River took off at 5:30 a.m. from Lafayette Regional Airport and took three connecting flights to Rapid City, South Dakota.

“He had to create this dream life that he knew I would be interested in,” she said.

“And I built it all up, to the point where I’m going.”

“I packed up to leave for weeks and months – he wanted me to live with him.”

River arrived in Rapid City at 3 p.m. that day – and spent the first hour sitting in a coffee shop, working on her laptop.

His date texted him to tell him he was still getting ready and hadn’t left for the airport.

But after sending him a selfie to let him know he was on his way, River noticed his date was heading in the wrong direction.

She said: “Airport security kept checking if I was okay – and I wanted to stay, just in case he showed up.

“He sent me a photo, saying he was definitely on his way.

River waited at the airport until 7 p.m., before paying $290 to spend a night at the local Hilton. Blake River / Southwestern Nova Scotia

“But I noticed the road signs saying it was heading west – even though I was heading east.

“I knew he had to be heading in the opposite direction – and I sent a message saying, ‘I don’t think you’re really going to pick me up.’

“He didn’t say anything – and we haven’t spoken since.”

River waited at the airport until 7 p.m., before paying $290 to spend a night at the local Hilton.

She called a friend – another truck driver – who told her he knew someone in the area and put them in touch.

The couple spent the evening sightseeing, going to local parks and buying ice cream.

“I’m still in contact with Tucker to this day,” River said.

Blake called a friend who said he knew someone in the area and put them in touch. The couple spent the evening sightseeing.
Blake River / Southwestern Nova Scotia

“He showed me some really good places.

“I guess all is well and this ends well.”

She spent the entire next morning at the airport, talking to the same security guard.

And at 1 p.m., River resumed the eight-hour journey to Lafayette.

She spent an additional $1,000 on last-minute flights home – arriving home at 10 p.m.

River said: “I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.

“It just wasn’t my time – and he wasn’t my person, after all.

“Now I just focus on my career and spend as much time as possible traveling.”

New York Post

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