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Hunter Biden jury selection begins in federal gun trial

Jury selection in Hunter Biden’s federal gun trial began Monday in Delaware, as he faces three criminal charges stemming from his alleged illegal purchase and possession of a firearm in 2018 while he was a drug user.

Hunter Biden arrived at the courthouse shortly after 8 a.m. ET. First lady Jill Biden arrived shortly after him. As the first lady left the main hearing room during the late-morning break, Hunter Biden hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. She hugged him back, touching his face. Hunter Biden and his wife then left the room holding hands.

President Biden is not present at the hearing; he is scheduled to attend a fundraiser in Connecticut on Monday evening. But he released a statement, refusing to weigh in on the lawsuit but offering a statement of support for his son.

“Jill and I love our son and are very proud of the man he is today,” his statement read. “Hunter’s resilience in the face of adversity and the strength he brought to his recovery inspire us. Many families have loved ones who have overcome addiction and know what we mean.”

The president’s son was indicted by a federal grand jury in September after a diversion agreement on a gun-related felony and a plea agreement related to misdemeanor tax charges were revealed as U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika questioned whether the deal would allow him to avoid possible future charges.

Late Sunday night, Norieka refused to allow Hunter Biden’s lawyers to admit as evidence a second version of the gun purchase form he filled out to purchase the weapon. His lawyer, Father Lowell, said new information was added to this second version after the criminal investigation began, including information about the types of identification Hunter Biden presented. Norieka noted in his order that on both forms, “no” was checked next to the question of whether the applicant was an “illegal user or addict.”

In a separate order issued the same day, Norieka also granted the government’s request to exclude one of the defense’s expert witnesses, Dr. Elie Aoun, who was scheduled to testify about the nature of Hunter Biden’s drug addiction and if he considered himself a drug addict. She reserved her opinion on whether to allow the testimony of another expert witness, Michael Lee Coyer.

Hunter Biden and his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, arrive at court in Wilmington, Delaware
Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, joined by his wife Melissa Cohen Biden, arrives at the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building June 3, 2024 in Wilmington, Delaware.

Photo by RYAN COLLERD/AFP via Getty Images

Jury selection

Throughout jury selection, Hunter Biden sat attentively, periodically taking notes. The first lady right behind him, sharing the front row with his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, his half-sister Ashley Biden and Hollywood lawyer and ally Kevin Morris. The first family largely did not react when jurors answered questions.

All but one of the jurors learned about the case through the media, and many said they had an immediate connection to someone struggling with drug and alcohol abuse. As of 11:45 a.m. ET, 12 out of 30 potential jurors were excused for cause, including scheduling conflicts and political views. One person said owning a gun was a “God-given right,” while another said their opinion of the Bidens was “not good.”

The defense also struck another potential juror, a former Wilmington police officer who said he was a Fox News viewer and said he was an acquaintance of Jill Biden, having worked with her at the college where she taught. He also said he had met Mr. Biden at several events and donated to a challenger to Beau Biden in his race for Delaware attorney general. The potential juror also told the judge he believed prosecutors were filing charges for political reasons, mentioning the criminal case against former President Donald Trump in New York, and when asked if “prosecutions policies” ever targeted Democrats, he answered “no” categorically. answer.

Other potential jurors also answered “yes” when the judge asked “are some Department of Justice and law enforcement investigations politically motivated?” A series of them cited the case of Trump in New York.

What are the federal gun charges against Hunter Biden?

In the three-count indictment, the president’s son is accused of making false statements on a federal firearms form about his drug use, certifying that he did not was neither a user nor addicted to any controlled substance during a period when prosecutors allege he was addicted to crack cocaine. cocaine. Biden purchased a Colt Cobra .38 Special revolver, and it remained in his possession for 11 days before being thrown into an outside container by Hallie Biden, Hunter Biden’s romantic partner at the time.

Hunter Biden’s lawyers denounced the charges and argued that they were “unconstitutional” and “unprecedented,” as well as in violation of the diversion agreement that they still maintain is legally binding and valid.

A series of motions to dismiss filed by Hunter Biden’s lawyers were denied by Judge Noreika, and a federal appeals court denied his motion to dismiss the gun-related charges in May.

Prosecutors are expected to present evidence that details the Hunter Biden case. use of controlled substances before and during the period he purchased the firearm. In their brief, they reference his own admission of drug addiction in excerpts from her memoir, Beautiful Thingsas well as photos and videos from his laptop and text messages.

The government also intends to include testimony from Hunter Biden’s former romantic partners recounting his drug addiction, including his ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle, and Hallie Biden, the widow of his late brother, Beau Biden, as well as testimony from experts from FBI and DEA agents.

Hunter Biden’s attorneys are seeking to call their own expert witnesses in drug addiction, forensic psychiatry and forensic toxicology.

The charges were brought by special counsel David Weiss, who was appointed U.S. attorney for Delaware by former President Donald Trump and named special counsel by Attorney General Merrick Garland in 2023. The federal investigations into Hunter Biden, led by Weiss, lasted five years during the year. the Trump and Biden administrations.

Hunter Biden’s lawyers claimed Weiss ‘bowed under political pressure to bring tougher charges’ after plea deal drew ‘harsh rebuke’ from former President Trump and his allies Republicans when it was first made public. Weiss’ office criticized claims that the accusations were politically fueled and aimed to appease Republicans.

“The charges in this case are not trumped up or due to former President Trump. Rather, they are the result of the defendant’s own choices and were made despite, not because of, outside noise emanating from politicians,” prosecutors said.

Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison and a $750,000 fine if convicted on all counts.

Separate tax charges against Hunter Biden

Separately, he faces nine federal tax charges in the Middle District of California in a second indictment filed by Weiss’ office, in which federal prosecutors allege that President Biden’s son engaged in a “four-year scheme” to avoid paying at least $1.4 million in federal taxes.

Hunter Biden is charged with three felonies and six misdemeanors related to his alleged failure to file and pay his taxes, tax evasion and filing a false or fraudulent tax return. Biden has pleaded not guilty to these charges.

His motions to dismiss the federal tax charges were all denied by U.S. District Judge Mark Scarsi in April. If convicted, Hunter Biden faces up to 17 years in prison.

References to the tax charges or matters related to those charges or the plea hearing are not admissible in his federal firearms trial in Delaware.

Robert Legare contributed to this report.

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