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How Local Businesses Are Tapping Into Eclipse Excitement

  • Millions of tourists gathered along a swath of North America to witness the solar eclipse.
  • The eclipse tourism wave is expected to boost economies, and local artisans, restaurants and businesses are gearing up.
  • This is how the communities lucky enough to find themselves in its path exploit the fervor of eclipses.

Millions of people are gathering across North America on Monday to watch the total solar eclipse.

The best views of the eclipse can be found along a route that stretches across 13 states, known as the “path of totality.” This is where the AirBnbs have been booked and the biggest festivities are planned.

Up to 3.7 million people are expected to travel to the region – which cuts a diagonal line across the United States from Texas to Maine – to view the eclipse, joining the 31 million who already live along its trajectory.

In total, the phenomenon could generate a $1.6 billion boost to local economies, according to the Texas-based economic consulting firm. Perryman Group.

From eclipse-themed festivals to special offers and commemorative souvenirs, this is how local communities and businesses are preparing to welcome eclipse tourists and take advantage of Monday’s rare celestial phenomenon.


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