
How Daily Walking Reduces Heart Disease Risk

Between work, errands, family obligations, and household chores, life is busy. Taking time for yourself may not be possible right now, and that’s okay. If you can’t walk for the recommended 21 minutes a day, start small.

“Even a one-minute walk can pay off,” according to the Harvard Health report. The report notes that a 2014 study from the University of Utah found that “for every minute of brisk walking women did throughout the day, they reduced their risk of obesity by 5 percent.”

So start small. This afternoon, take a one-minute walk down your driveway or take a 10-minute phone call to check in on your work as you walk around your block. No amount of time is too short.

Once you feel ready, you can start incorporating different walking distances and intensities, like changing speeds and going uphill, Singh said. Those two things, along with “maintaining a consistent habit, will probably give you the best bang for your buck,” she explained.

This article was originally published on The HuffPost.

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Gn Health

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