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How Chris Olsen Got Ringworm “Over There” and on His Face

Chris Olsen clears the air about his ringworm diagnosis.

The TikToker explained how he recently contracted a contagious fungal disease on his face, clarifying that ringworm “isn’t actually a worm” but a skin disease that he likely contracted from using unsanitary equipment in his bathroom. local sport.

“When I go to the gym, I shower because I sweat a lot,” he began in a May 7 TikTok video. “I’ve tried a new gym sometimes – and I want to make it clear that it’s not the gym’s fault – but they don’t have showers there.”

During one particular workout, Chris believes he touched a surface that hadn’t been properly wiped down and had previously been in contact with another person suffering from a fungal disease. Although his usual post-workout shower would have reduced his risk of infection, the 26-year-old instead took his “gentle time” to rinse off his sweat, first opting to use the gym’s sauna before to go home to bathe.

“As I am a very sweaty person, it was able to enter my body very easily,” he said of the fungus. “Then I literally went into the sauna and gave it the perfect environment to really soak in.”


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