How 5 types of elder abuse often hide in plain sight – Orange County Register

Each year in the United States, at least 10% of people aged 65 and older are victims of some form of abuse, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

Elder abuse is an intentional or negligent act by any person that causes harm or serious risk of harm to an older person. This type of abuse may not be obvious at first glance because the older person may not share their situation with others. Maybe you know someone who needs your help.

Recently, I spoke to a client who was concerned about the living conditions of her lifelong friends, who were in their 80s. They live in a house they purchased over 60 years ago that has not been maintained. The original roof leaks and the house suffers from dry rot and termites. The elderly live with two large dogs and a cat, who do all their business indoors.

Their house is full of objects collected during their lives. Objects are piled up throughout the house, limiting the elderly’s mobility and accessibility to household items. It is impossible for them to cook, bathe or bathe. They can hardly take care of themselves, receive minimal help from family members and do not know where to turn.

Their adult family members include one child and three grandchildren. Three family members live 20 minutes away.

Additionally, one of the seniors is addicted to purchasing items on home shopping networks and has accumulated a significant amount of debt.

Despite this, for several years they have been giving their only child a few thousand dollars per month to help him cover his expenses. As parents of an only child, they put their child’s interests first. Monthly checks were accepted and cashed.

Because they are embarrassed by their living conditions, they rarely invite people in and have slowly withdrawn from society.

These older people are not unique. Elder abuse can happen to anyone, including family members, friends, or neighbors.

Types of elder abuse fall into five subtypes: physical, psychological, sexual, financial exploitation, as well as neglect and abandonment.

You may notice that your elderly neighbor has bruises, broken bones, black eyes, and oddly placed wounds in different stages of healing. The elderly person may have a sudden change in behavior and their caregiver may still be present with visitors. This could be a sign that the older person is being physically abused.

Emotional abuse may be more difficult to observe. A member of the victim’s household may verbally attack, scold, or intimidate the older person. They may talk to them like they are children or tell them that their opinion is worthless. The abuser may also distance the elderly person from friends, favorite activities, or family members. The elderly person may become withdrawn, agitated or depressed.

Sexual abuse may not be obvious because the predator preys on the older person when they are alone. Signs of abuse may include bruising around the breasts or genital area, as well as blood found on clothing or bedding. Venereal diseases or unexplained genital infections may be diagnosed. And changes in the older person’s behavior, especially when in close proximity to the offender, may be apparent.

Neglect and abandonment may be a little more obvious. Have you noticed that the elderly person is no longer cared for? Do they have food at home? Does he come to the doctor regularly? Do they bathe or shower? Signs of poor personal hygiene, malnutrition and untreated health problems are red flags that the older person may be neglected or abandoned.

Financial exploitation can be creative, just as the criminal’s mind is imaginative. The range of financial abuse is very wide. This can range from the simple act of someone taking or keeping money without the older person’s permission, to much more elaborate schemes involving bank accounts, credit cards or the deed to their property. residence. Red flags would be rapid changes in bank balances, additional names added to the bank account, unpaid bills, and abrupt changes to a will or other financial documents.

If you think an older person you know may be being abused or neglected, contact the Adult Protective Services hotline. APS is a resource for reporting suspected elder abuse or neglect. California residents who call 833-401-0832 and enter the 5-digit ZIP code when prompted will be connected to their county’s APS, seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

When a report of abuse, neglect, or exploitation is received, the goal of APS is to create a stable environment in which the individual can function safely without requiring ongoing intervention from the APS program. Services provided by APS include responding to reports of known or suspected abuse or neglect, investigating, and arranging for the provision of services by available community agencies.

The APS is not intended to interfere with the life choices of older people, nor to protect these people from the consequences of their choices.

In my client’s case, during our last conversation, she mentioned her intention to contact APS for help with resources for her lifelong friends. APS will investigate the home to determine what assistance can be provided to help this family.

It takes a village to raise a child and a community to care for its elders.

Teri Parker CFP® is a Vice President in the Riverside office of CAPTRUST Financial Advisors and has practiced financial planning and investment management since 2000. Contact her at

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