
Hot nights linked to increased risk of stroke, scientists warn: ScienceAlert

The risk of suffering a stroke is significantly higher when nighttime temperatures are high, presenting a potential worldwide health problemit’s the world It’s hotter.

By mapping nighttime temperatures against the number of stroke cases recorded in the German city of Augsburg over a 15-year period, a research team led by the Helmholtz Research Center in Munich, Germany, found a statistically significant increase in stroke risk on days when it is extremely hot. nighttime temperatures were recorded, with the elderly and women particularly vulnerable.

“We wanted to understand to what extent high nighttime temperatures pose a health risk,” explains Alexandra Schneider, epidemiologist at Helmholtz Munich. “This is important because climate change is causing nighttime temperatures to rise much faster than daytime temperatures.”

A total of 11,037 clinical cases of stroke observed at the University Hospital Augsburg from 2006 to 2020 were included in the study. Overall, the risk of stroke increased by 7 percent during nights classified as “tropical.”

For the purposes of this research, a tropical night was one where the temperature remained above 14.6°C (58.3°F). These nights accounted for the 5 percent of the warmest nights during the study period.

There is also evidence of higher numbers of strokes over time: from 2006 to 2012, on hot nights were linked to two additional strokes per year, while from 2013 to 2020, hot nights were associated with 33 additional cases per year. This reflects the increase in temperatures over the years.

Researchers say a variety of factors could be behind these statistics, including a higher risk of dehydration – already known to increase the risk of stroke. Limited access to technologies such as air conditioning could also play a role.

“In summary, changes in underlying factors related to climatic factors, stroke risk factors, and socioeconomic conditions may contribute to increased susceptibility to nocturnal heat-related stroke over time. time,” the researchers write in their published article.

The team behind the study hopes its findings can lead to better preventative measures: hospitals can provide extra staff coverage for hot nights, while the most vulnerable people in a community can be more aware of risk.

Additionally, efforts can be intensified to reduce the nighttime impact of urban heat islands in built-up areas. Previous studies have looked at various ways to reduce urban heat, including strategic tree planting.

If no changes are made, the number of cases could continue to rise, although more detailed studies in larger groups and in other parts of the world will be needed to confirm the link.

“Our results clearly show that adjustments in urban planning and the healthcare system are extremely important to reduce the risks posed by rising nighttime temperatures,” explains Cheng He, an epidemiologist from the Hemholtz Munich research team.

The research was published in the European Journal of the Heart.

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