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Hot, muggy summer predicted for Midwest by Farmers’ Almanac – NBC Chicago

With Chicago’s hottest February on record, 2023’s hottest year on record and March 2024 being the 10th hottest consecutive month on record, Americans across the country have experienced heat in new ways these last years.

According to the Farmers’ Almanac, this trend could continue as summer 2024 approaches.

Nearly all of the contiguous United States is expected to experience a hot summer, with most areas east of the Mississippi River also experiencing wetter-than-normal summers.

The Great Lakes region in particular is expected to experience “sweltering and stormy” conditions this summer, while much of the Southeast is described as “wet and stormy” for the upcoming season.

The Great Plains are expecting a “seasonally hot and stormy” summer, while hot and dry conditions are forecast for much of the American West.

As for the one region that appears to be avoiding heat this summer when it comes to the Farmers’ Almanac forecast, the Pacific Northwest is poised for dry conditions and seasonal temperatures.

The almanac predicts a particularly soggy August and September across the eastern two-thirds of the United States, while reminding gardeners that greater humidity will likely mean more insects this summer.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, there is a one in three chance that 2024 will be warmer than the record year of 2023, with a 99% chance that 2024 will rank among the five hottest years in recorded history.

More information about the Farmers’ Almanac’s summer forecast can be found here.

NBC Chicago

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