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Hostage families share disturbing video of Israeli soldiers kidnapped by Hamas on October 7

The families of Israeli soldiers taken hostage on October 7 released a disturbing video on Wednesday showing five female soldiers captured by Hamas militants who called them “dogs” and threatened to shoot them.

The young women are seen in the first images, their hands tied behind them and some bloodied faces, as they are pushed against a wall by the gunmen who seized a shelter on the Nahal Oz base.

“You dogs, we are going to step on you, you dogs,” one of the gunmen shouts to the captives in Arabic, according to an NBC News translation.

“Take, take a picture of them,” shouts another shooter, also in Arabic.

The Hostages and Missing Families Forum, created by the families of those kidnapped in last year’s Hamas attack, described the 3-minute, 10-second clip as a “damning testimony to the failure of the nation to bring home the hostages, who have been abandoned for 229 days.

The group, which is pressuring Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to reach a truce with Hamas, identified the women in the video as Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, Daniela Gilboa and Naama Levy.

All of these elements are believed to still be in the hands of Hamas.

Two other people were kidnapped in Nahal Oz: Ori Megidish, who was rescued after 23 days in captivity, and Noa Marciano, who was killed in captivity.

In a statement released after the video was released, Israeli President Isaac Herzog said he would continue to offer “strength and love” to the families of the hostages.

“The world must address this cruel atrocity,” he said. “Those who care about women’s rights need to speak out. Everyone who believes in freedom must speak out and do everything possible to bring all the hostages home.”

Netanyahu said he too was “horrified” by the video.

The Hostages and Missing Families Forum published the video, which the Israeli army obtained with permission from the families of the five missing women. Their kidnappings were filmed on body cameras worn by their captors.

“The footage reveals the violent, humiliating and traumatic treatment the girls endured on the day of their abduction, their eyes filled with raw terror,” the group said.

But the video, according to the group, was also “edited and censored to exclude the most disturbing scenes.” It was not immediately clear who edited it.

In the first footage, a stunned Levy tells her captors: “I have friends in Palestine.”

Meanwhile, Albag asks: “Someone who speaks English?

A furious gunman then shouts at the women: “I want you to shut up!” Calm! You stupid bitch! »

As the women are ordered to sit down, an armed man threatens them in Arabic.

“Our brothers are dead because of you,” he shouts. “We’re going to shoot you all.”

In the following footage, Albag tries to understand what their captors want, and there are exchanges with a gunman who wants to use what appears to be one of the captives’ phones to call his friend in Gaza, although it is the case. We do not know why.

The camera then cuts to Berger, whose mouth is bloody and whose green T-shirt is still spattered with blood.

“Where are you from?” an armed man asks him in English.

“What, in Israel? Berger responds. “Tel Aviv.”

In the following images, the armed men pray while the captive women sit and watch with their backs against a wall.

Then, while a shooter adjusts the bonds of one of the captives, another shooter looking at the women says in Arabic: “Here come the bastards. Here are the ones that are worthless.

“They are Zionists,” the shooter said, also in Arabic.

This is followed by the voice of an armed man saying in English: “You are so beautiful. »

In the following footage, the captives are rushed toward a waiting jeep while gunshots can be heard in the background. One of them is carried by the hands and legs, and a shooter shouts in Arabic: “Load them, come on, load them!” »

Another captive, Gilboa, appears to be injured and jumps on one foot as she is led to the waiting Jeep.

The final footage shows the woman in the back of the vehicle, looking stunned as she drives away.

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