
Hospice nurse says there are 12 signs to look for that suggest a person is about to die

Palliative care nurse Julie McFadden says the body naturally prepares you for death

Death is something that many people fear, whether because of the unknown element or because they believe it will cause pain.

But a hospice nurse has come to ease those worries by providing a list of 12 things to expect when death comes knocking.

Julie McFadden, 41, is a registered nurse in Los Angeles specializing in end-of-life care.

She has been posting her opinions on YouTube for years and sharing her experiences with her patients to help people better understand the dying process.

From her six phenomena people experience on their deathbeds to what they will see, she always gives her viewers insider knowledge to help them grieve or stop fearing the inevitable.

Regarding the painful element of death, the nurse once said in a video: “Biologically, our bodies are built to live, built to survive first, and built to help us die.

Julie helps people understand death.  YouTube/ @hospicenursejulie

Julie helps people understand death. YouTube/ @hospicenursejulie

“I saw it with my own eyes – and I still see it with my own eyes – as a hospice nurse.”

According to the nurse, death is a natural process for which the body prepares.

These signs therefore indicate that your body is reaching the limit of its capabilities.

One person in their comments felt they were on the right track with their list and shared their own heartbreaking experience: “My mother passed away today, everything you said Nurse Julie was correct! She was 95 years old and in the terminal stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

THANK YOU JULIE for helping me recognize that his death was near. It was still a shock and I already miss her…”

Another said: “I was with both my parents when they died and they had all these signs. It was sad but we were happy that they went to a better place where they weren’t sick or old.

When you are close to death, you might experience these 12 things:

Here are 11 signs and symptoms you’ll likely see:

1. A reduction in food and water consumption

2. A decrease in functional abilities

3. Increased sleep

4. Dull pain

5. Intermittent confusion or disorientation

6. Talking to or seeing deceased loved ones

7. Changes in breathing

8. Changes in skin color

9. Fever

10. Glassy or watery eyes

11. Reaching for objects or looking into the distance

12. Restlessness

“All these things are normal in death,” Julie said.

Featured Image Credit: Youtube/hospicenursejulie/Getty Stock Images

Topics: Health, YouTube

News Source :
Gn Health

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