
Horoscope for Monday June 24, 2024

Moon Alert

There are no restrictions on purchases or major decisions. The moon is in Aquarius.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

It’s a great day to start your week. In particular, relationships with friends as well as groups and organizations will be positive. It’s a good day to share your hopes and dreams for the future with someone, as their comments could reinforce your goals.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You are very visible, which means people notice you more than usual. In fact, someone might appear to know personal details about your private life. However, could this notoriety bring you more money or draw attention to ways to increase your income?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Do something different because you want to travel, change scenery, or explore your world in some way. Obviously, if you can’t travel, you can be a tourist in your own neighborhood. (This can be surprisingly interesting.) Enjoy the company of people from other cultures.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is an excellent day for financial discussions, particularly on the division of assets, common property, insurance disputes or inheritance because you will come out smelling like roses. Whatever the benefits, you might be something behind the scenes or “hidden.” Yet, it’s there.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Relations with partners and friends today are warm and friendly. It’s a great day to start your week. However, despite these user-friendly options, you can choose to “hide” or work alone or behind the scenes, as that is your preference.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Work-related travel is likely for many of you today. This is a great day to explore opportunities related to your work and also related to your health. Someone in authority could help you. At the same time, your popularity is strong, particularly among young people. Enjoy your day !

Libra (September 23-October 22)

It’s Monday and since the mood is so pleasant today, you might want to play. That said, know that you are very visible and many people know what you do. Fortunately, they admire you. You look well. (In fact, you’re so good-looking that some of you might start flirting with a boss.)

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Discussions about someone else’s wealth or inheritances or anything that can benefit your home and family might help you today. It certainly seems like you or someone in your family will receive help in some way. During this time, be patient with your close friends and partners. Stay calm.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Today you are optimistic and in a positive state of mind! It’s a great way to start your week. Conversations with partners and close friends will be optimistic. You have energy to work and accomplish what you want to do. Additionally, gifts and treats might come your way. Yay!

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

It’s a good day to discuss finances. It’s also a good day to ask for a raise, figure out how to improve your work, or find ways to make money on the side. Could you also see a better paying job on the horizon? Sporting events, social outings and children’s activities will also be attractive.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Today you feel a strong sense of well-being, which is why you will feel warm and friendly towards others. It is important to know that you will receive from others exactly what you give. Fortunately, you will likely attract happy, positive people to you.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

It’s a quiet Monday and you’re feeling content. This week you’ll have quite a few social options, so you might want to take it easy today. However, you will be strong in your conversations with others – very relevant!

If your birthday is today

Actress Mindy Kaling (1979) shares your birthday. You are ambitious, hardworking and very independent. You are competent and always a leader. It’s a quieter year for you. Take the time to recharge your batteries. Focus on your closest relationships, especially those that require kindness, helpfulness, and assistance. Many of you will take on a leadership role.

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News Source : chicago.suntimes.com

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