
Homeowners blur their homes on Google Maps to deter burglars: How to do it

Homeowners take steps to protect themselves from violent crime.

Recently, more and more people are blurring their homes on Google Maps to deter burglars.

Google Maps is a great tool to help people navigate and find restaurants, homes, or buildings, but it also gives criminals a bird’s eye view of your home. Criminals can use the images to look for security cameras, side windows, fences, and more.

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Jarid Zuetel, a burglary detective in Riverside, California, told KTTV that you’d be surprised what they find when they investigate burglaries.

“As technology becomes more accessible, more people, including burglars, are using it to their advantage,” Zuetel said. “When talking to people who have been arrested for burglary, they tell us they can inspect the house to take a look inside using online platforms like Google Maps.”

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How to Blur Your House on Google Maps

Cybersecurity professor Jay Gehringer explains that the process of blurring your home is simple and can help a homeowner feel less vulnerable.

Users first find their property on Google Maps. Click “report a problem” in the upper left corner.

Homeowners blur their homes on Google Maps to deter burglars: How to do it

A Google Maps Street View vehicle with a roof-mounted camera records footage as it drives down Bush Street in San Francisco, California. (Photo by Robert Alexander/Getty Images)

You will then be prompted to answer a few questions and submit your request to Google.

Google says that once a home is blurred and published, it cannot be removed.

For more information, visit

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But would this help keep thieves away?

“I think most people are going to drive on the street…it’s just 1 percent safer,” Gehringer said.

“I think blurring your home on Google can make your home less targeted,” Zeutel said.

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