
Here’s What Your Bowel Movement Frequency Says About Your Overall Health

How often you have a bowel movement says a lot about more than just your gut health, according to a new study published in Cell Reports Medicine.

Over the past few years, there has been extensive research into how our gut health impacts our overall health, and with this new discovery, researchers have been able to identify the ideal number of bowel movements per day.

How many bowel movements per day are healthy?

So the ideal number is one to two per day, and for those who suffer from chronic constipation or poop more than three times per day, this could have adverse health effects.

This is because less frequent bowel movements allow feces to remain in the intestines for too long, which can lead to the release of harmful toxins into the bloodstream.

BBC Science Focus explained: “These toxins, the researchers found, could be behind the links between gut health and chronic disease risk.

“In the study, people with constipation tended to have more byproducts of protein fermentation in their blood, which is known to damage the kidneys.”

However, in people with diarrhea, chemical patterns in blood plasma were associated with liver damage.

Corresponding author of the study, Dr Sean Gibbons, said: “This information could inform strategies for managing stool frequency, even in healthy populations, to optimise health and wellbeing.”

Dr. Andrew Patterson, a professor of molecular toxicology at Pennsylvania State University, who was not involved in the study, said: BBC Science Focus: “The study highlights the essential partnership between humans and the microbial chemists residing in and on our bodies and explores the potential consequences when this interaction is disrupted.”

How to improve our gut health?

According to ZOE’s gut health experts, eating a varied diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables is a great start.

“You don’t have to be vegetarian or vegan to have a healthy gut, but eating more plants can help. Fruits and vegetables are typically high in fiber, which is essential fuel for your gut bacteria,” they said.

Brb, I’m editing my weekly shop.

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