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Here’s how to protect yourself from the “Can you hear me?” message. A telephone scam currently circulating

“Can you hear me now?” “Is it you?” “Are you here?”

If you’re asked a question like this in normal conversation, it’s polite to let the other person know that you hear it loud and clear. But if you’re asked this at the start of a call from a random phone number, you should be wary.

Indeed, these questions are signs of a growing scam, according to a new alert from the Better Business Bureau, a nonprofit organization that tracks bad advertising and customer complaints across North America.

Since mid-March, the number of people expressing concern about the scam has increased, said Melanie McGovern, director of public relations and social media for the BBB.

Here’s how the scam works. A stranger will initiate the call by asking, “Can you hear me?” ” to get you to answer “yes”. They may keep you on the line pretending to be a government or bank official, but they often hang up shortly after you confirm that you are listening. That’s because their goal is to get you to say “yes” so they know there’s a person on the other end of the line.

Woman at a desk using a laptop and holding a cell phone, concentrating on her work

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And now that they know you might respond in the future, the scammer may continue to contact you and then try to “trip you up” when you’re not as focused on what they’re saying, McGovern said .

A “can you hear me?” ” randomly. This question should be your first red flag that this unsolicited call might be a scam, said Kelly Richmond Pope, a forensic accounting professor at DePaul University and author of “Fool Me Once: Scams, Stories, and Secrets From the Trillion-Dollar Fraud.” Industry.”

A conversation with a random number that starts with “can you hear me?” is suspicious “because it falls outside of the typical conversational cycle,” Pope said.

But before you panic, know that the BBB said no monetary losses were reported after these “can you hear me?” » calls.

The nonprofit suggested that in a worst-case scenario, scammers could use a recording of you saying “yes” to authorize charges on your phone. This is called a stuffing scam, in which a bad actor “puts” unauthorized service charges on your bills once they have your information.

“You never know how your audio voice saying ‘yes’ can be used, coupled with any type of call with a bank or with a credit card company to open a line of credit,” Pope said.

Man reviewing a document while talking on the phone, sitting at desk with laptop, in home officeMan reviewing document while talking on the phone, sitting at desk with laptop, in home office

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But Amy Nofziger, director of victim support for the AARP Fraud Watch Network, said the “can you hear me?” » the question itself does not warrant significant panic.

She pointed out that there is no evidence from AARP databases that links the answer to the question to cramming or currency fraud. “No one here says, ‘I lost $50,000,’ in a supposed ‘can you hear me?’ scam,” she noted.

Instead, Nofziger said consumers should be more concerned about impostors or gift card scams, which are actually known to result in significant monetary losses and emotional devastation for victims. So if a caller continues to talk to you beyond that, “can you hear me?” question, there is more reason to worry.

“Are they asking you for personal information? » said Nofziger. “Are they asking you for a crypto ATM? Do they ask for a prepaid gift card? Well, this is 100% a scam.

Here’s what to do when you receive a “Can you hear me?” » call from an unknown number.

It can be stressful to wonder if you have compromised your privacy and personal information. But there are steps you can take for your peace of mind:

Stay calm.

Woman using laptop and smartphone in well-lit room with windows in backgroundWoman using laptop and smartphone in well-lit room with windows in background

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“I’ve seen people panic because they said ‘yes’ to someone who asked them: ‘Can you hear me?’ And we will have to report them,” Nofziger said of those who contact the Fraud Watch Network.

Scammers win when they irritate you with fear and anxiety, because that’s when you stop listening to common sense. “We don’t want people operating in that mode of fear,” Nofziger said. “We want people to operate in empowerment mode. »

So if a random phone call has you worried, take a breath before you automatically give a stranger what they want to know.

Instead of answering “yes” when the stranger asks if you can hear them, turn the question around and say, “Why do you ask?” » suggested Nofziger.

This way, “you take back control of your phone and your device,” she said.

Be on your guard even if they claim to know you.

A man sitting at a desk with a laptop talking into a smartphone, perhaps doing business or reporting newsA man sitting at a desk with a laptop talking into a smartphone, perhaps doing business or reporting news

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If the caller says your name, you should not let your guard down. Much information can be gleaned from public records and social media.

Scammers will want to establish some familiarity with you so that you “disclose even more information than you normally would,” Pope said.

Don’t get involved.

Woman looking at her watch with a puzzled expression, phone in hand, indoorsWoman looking at her watch with a puzzled expression, phone in hand, indoors

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One way to prevent yourself from saying more than you should is to simply let a phone call from an unknown number go to voicemail. This way you have more time to evaluate if it’s legitimate.

McGovern said she doesn’t recommend trying to talk with someone you suspect is a scammer. If you do, “they’ll keep calling you because they know you’re a live number,” she explained.

If it turns out to be an important call, like a doctor’s appointment, “they’ll leave you a message,” McGovern said.

Do your due diligence on your accounts.

A man reviews documents at home with a laptop, demonstrating his focused commitment to his taskA man reviews documents at home with a laptop, demonstrating his focused commitment to his task.

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If you’re concerned about potential fraud, review your bills and credit card statements to check for unauthorized charges. If fraud has occurred, you can file a consumer complaint with the local attorney general’s office.

You can also be proactive. If you’re concerned that you’ve compromised your information, McGovern suggested contacting your bank and credit card company to say, “Hey, I’m just really nervous about this.” What can I do to alleviate anything in the long term? »

This article was originally published on HuffPost.


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