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He drove his family off a cliff in a Tesla. Now his wife wants him released

The wife of a Pasadena man who drove her and their two young children off a Northern California cliff has asked a judge to release her husband from prison, saying the family needs him.

Neha Patel testified for the first time Thursday at a hearing on whether her husband, Dharmesh Patel, should have his case removed from criminal court, in a scenario that would see him released from prison and placed in a criminal court diversion program. mental health.

“We need him in our life,” said Neha Patel, appearing via video call, according to Mercury News. “We’re not a family without him.”

Neha and her two children were passengers when Dharmesh drove his Tesla off a cliff on January 2, 2023, at Devil’s Slide on Highway 1. Dharmesh was charged with attempted murder for each passenger and has been jailed since. Doctors testifying in Dharmesh’s defense argued that he was suitable for mental health diversion and that the accident was likely the result of his major depressive disorder and a psychotic episode.

Mental health diversion would mean Dharmesh would be released from prison and placed under a treatment plan with a supervising physician for two years. If he violated the treatment plan or other conditions of release, his case would be referred to court. If he followed the plan, his case would be dropped.

Neha spoke at length about the effect her husband’s absence had on the family, calling him a “kind and selfless” man who “has been my best friend for over 25 years,” according to Mercury News. Neha’s testimony was surprising as she told paramedics after the accident that her husband had deliberately fallen off the cliff.

“’He intentionally tried to kill us,’” Neha Patel told paramedics, according to the San Mateo County prosecutor.

Despite his testimony, San Mateo County Prosecutor Stephen Wagstaffe opposes diversion of the case. A prosecution doctor said on Thursday that Dharmesh suffered from schizoaffective disorder and his case should not be diverted.

A judge has not yet ruled on the motion.

California Daily Newspapers

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