
Harvey Weinstein hospitalized after 2020 rape conviction overturned

Harvey Weinstein was taken to a hospital for checkups days after a New York appeals court overturned his 2020 rape conviction.

The disgraced Hollywood producer, 72, was transported from a central New York prison to a medical ward at New York’s Rikers Island prison complex on April 26, his lawyer said. Arthur Aidala told NBC News. After being examined by doctors on April 27, it was decided to send him to Bellevue Hospital for further examination, the lawyer said.

“It looks like he needs a lot of help physically,” he added. “He’s having a lot of problems. He’s going through all kinds of tests. He’s a bit of a wreck in terms of his health.”

Weinstein is still scheduled to appear in Manhattan criminal court on May 1 for his first appearance to set a schedule for future hearings before a retrial in his 2020 case, NBC News reported.

On April 25, the appeals court overturned his conviction for sexual assault of a former production assistant and rape of an aspiring actress, which had earned him a 23-year prison sentence.


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