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Gypsy Rose Blanchard to Share ‘So Much More Truth’ in Upcoming Memoir

“The first time I stood up on my own two feet was my first failed attempt to leave my mother. I had the legs of a chick struggling to find a way out of the cracks,” the statement continued by Gypsy. “Who hasn’t felt this fragile in their own life? The second time I stood up, I took a path I will regret forever. Again, too many people feel this way about their choices The third time I stood up, I did so as a young incarcerated girl-woman who had so much to learn about independence, self-forgiveness and resilience.”

While writing her memoir, Gypsy, recently separated from her husband Ryan Anderson— shared that she found purpose, as she hopes others will find when reading it.

As she said: “In our stories, if we dare to sit in their silence, our purpose can be revealed. And we all have a goal. That’s what I hope people take away from my book. »

And working on her debut memoir isn’t the only thing Gypsy did to regain her confidence. Read on for more details about his life after prison.


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