Gross sight in Australian woman’s underwear drawer

An Australian woman was rummaging through her underwear drawer when she came across a disturbing and “confronting” sight.

While going to bed recently, Brisbane mum Vicki noticed her dogs going “berserk” towards her drawers.

She didn’t think about it and walked towards the bed.

“The next morning she woke up and was getting ready for work. She opened her underwear drawer and found this family of babies, I guess mice or rats,” a perplexed Phoebe told Yahoo News Australia.

Huddled on a blanket were eight furless newborns with their eyes still closed.

Vicki said she thought the creatures must have been only a few hours old when she discovered them.

An Australian woman was rummaging through her underwear drawer when she came across eight newborn animals snuggled up in a blanket.

“It’s weird. I have absolutely no idea how the mother would have gotten into this,” Phoebe said.

She said the dogs could have scared the babies’ mother.

Vicki and Phoebe took the collection of creatures to the vets in a shoebox. But even they were baffled.

“The vet thought they were probably rats or mice, but they had no idea,” Phoebe said.

The girl said her mother was “Doctor Doolittle” and therefore was the best person to discover unidentified animals.

“She will do anything she can to save a mosquito,” Phoebe said.

New York Post

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