
Google Translate supports 110 new languages

Google launched Google Translate in 2006. Since then, the company has slowly and steadily added support for more languages ​​to the language translation platform. Last month, the company added support for 24 new languages, bringing the total number of supported languages ​​to 133. However, Google has never added as many languages ​​to Google Translate as it is currently doing.

Google announced that Google Translate is getting its “the largest expansion ever” as the company adds support for 110 new languages ​​to the translation platform, bringing the total number of supported languages ​​to 243. In comparison, Apple Translate supports 20 languages ​​and Microsoft Translator supports 135 languages ​​This gives Google an advantage among the top three players.

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Google Translate now supports a total of 243 languages

According to Google, it was able to achieve this feat thanks to the company’s large PaLM 2 language model. Some of the newly supported languages ​​include Afar, Cantonese, Manx, NKo, Punjabi (Shahmukhi), Tamazight (Amazigh), and Tok. Pisine. According to the company, the 110 newly added languages ​​”represent more than 614 million speakers, paving the way for translations for approximately 8% of the world’s population.»

Google further says “Some are major world languages, spoken by more than 100 million speakers. Others are spoken by small communities of indigenous peoples, and a few have almost no native speakers but are the subject of active revitalization efforts.“A quarter of the 110 languages ​​come from Africa, including Fon, Kikongo, Luo, Ga, Swati, Venda and Wolof, making it the largest extension of African languages ​​on Google Translate to date .

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