
Google abandons continuous scrolling in search results and brings back the good old pages

Remember when Google introduced continuous scrolling to desktop search back in December 2022? Well, the company has now reversed that decision and ditched continuous scrolling in favor of pagination.

The news comes to us via Search Engine Land, who spoke with a Google spokesperson, reporting that continuous scrolling of search results would stop starting June 25. The same thing will happen to mobile search results in the “coming months.”

We can still see continued scrolling in Google Search on both desktop and mobile at the time of writing, and we suspect it will just take a while for the changes to go live for everyone.

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Google says the change is about being able to deliver results faster on more searches, instead of automatically loading results that weren’t requested. The company also said that continuous scrolling doesn’t result in “significantly higher” user satisfaction with Google Search.

We would add that noticeably deteriorating Google search results (which Google disputes) probably also has something to do with user satisfaction, but we don’t mind.

The pagination will apparently look like it did before, with an elongated “Gooooooooogle” logo with pages 1-10 listed below.

It’s worth noting that the change might be bad news for some, as pages located on the second, third, and subsequent pages might generate fewer clicks. For most users, faster loading search results is an obvious benefit, although it would be nice if those search results also contained fewer ads and spam.

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