Good for Ron Kim and John Liu for NYC squatters move

We must commend left-wing Senator John Liu and Congressman Ron Kim for shedding light on squatters.

But can New Yorkers fully trust them?

The two Queens Democrats introduced bills to legally define squatters as people who enter properties without owners’ permission, and to ensure that the rental rights that New York City so incredibly grants people after 30 days of possession do not apply to these persons. .

The move follows a series of high-profile nightmares that have hit Queens, in which thugs and criminals have taken over properties and even started subletting them.

That’s when the rightful owners were taken to court or even arrested for trying to get rid of the criminals who were stealing their properties, as happened to Adele Andaloro in March.

Their efforts join a group of other bills around the issue, including a pioneering package from state Sen. Mario Mattera. (R-LI).

Mattera’s salvo would not only make it clear who the squatters are, but would explicitly criminalize the act and provide landlords with quick ways to get them out. zero involvement of the court.

It is the right answer to the problem.

Yes, Kim and Liu are all about rhetoric.

“Criminals who seek to exploit landlords do not enjoy the same rights as tenants and will be brought to justice,” Kim thundered at a press conference.

Liu added: “People who break into other people’s homes should not have rights in the national housing law” and that lawmakers should “continue to consider even stricter measures to protect homeowners.” .

So a copious well done is in order.

But Kim jumped on the defunding the police bandwagon in 2020 (although he has changed his mind lately, once again addressing his constituents’ concerns).

And Liu is a long-time bad actor, a bought-and-paid-for shill for the teachers union and an enemy of public school families.

We hope that Kim and Liu can rally their Democratic colleagues behind their bill, or better yet Mattera’s.

But we fear most progressives won’t join the campaign for common sense against squatters, just as they refuse to accept Democratic lawmakers who seek modest criminal justice reforms to end serial shoplifting and protect workers retail business.

A few progressives showing common sense on this or that issue will never be enough: New Yorkers must start rejecting these radicals altogether, otherwise madness will continue to reign.

New York Post

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