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Germany’s foreign minister says Russia will face the consequences of an “absolutely intolerable” cyberattack.

SYDNEY (AP) — Germany’s top diplomat said Friday that Russia will face consequences after accusing its military intelligence service of orchestrating an “absolutely intolerable” cyberattack.

Relations between the two European countries were already strained, with Germany providing military support to Ukraine in its ongoing war against Russia.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said Russian hackers were behind a cyberattack last year that targeted the Social Democrats, the leading party in the government coalition.

“Russian hackers attacked Germany in cyberspace,” she said at a news conference in Adelaide, Australia. “We can attribute this attack to the group called APT28, led by Russian military intelligence.”

“This is absolutely intolerable and unacceptable and there will be consequences,” she said.

Baerbock is visiting Australia, New Zealand and Fiji, with his trip focused on security policy as China pushes to increase its influence in the Pacific region.

“The defense cooperation between Germany and Australia is close and we would like to deepen and expand it together, because we are in a situation where we face similar threats,” said Baerbock, who is the first German Foreign Minister to visit Australia in 2017. 13 years.

Discussions between Baerbock and his Australian counterpart Penny Wong focused on the conflict in Gaza. “I think we all understand that the only path out of this cycle of violence that we see in the Middle East that is so costly is one that ultimately guarantees a two-state solution,” Wong said.


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