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Germany detains two over alleged plotting of attacks in complicity with Russia – POLITICO

Dieter S. was preparing to carry out bombings and arson attacks, particularly against military infrastructure and industrial sites in Germany, including against installations of the American forces. This suspect was in contact with a person linked to the Russian secret services, according to the press release.

“To prepare, Dieter S. collected information on potential targets, including U.S. armed forces installations,” the prosecutor’s office said. Alexander J. contributed to these preparations, it is said.

Dieter S. was active in eastern Ukraine as a fighter for an armed unit of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic between December 2014 and September 2016, according to the prosecutor’s office. The unit is now classified as a terrorist organization by German justice, which is why Dieter S. is also accused of belonging to a foreign terrorist organization abroad.


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