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Gantz to make statement at 8:30 p.m., days after Gallant calls for post-war plan for Gaza

War Minister Benny Gantz, head of the National Unity Party, announced on Saturday that he would hold a press conference at 8:30 p.m. in Ramat Gan, amid speculation that he might make demands regarding a war policy in Gaza or an ultimatum to remain in the coalition.

The upcoming press conference comes days after Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned the prime minister that he must develop a post-war plan for the Gaza Strip, in a speech in which he said the The gains of the war were being eroded by lack of planning. with Israel’s long-term security at stake.

Gallant warned in his speech that he would not accept Israeli civilian or military governance of Gaza, and said that governance by Palestinian entities not linked to Hamas, accompanied by international actors, was in the interests of Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he said, must publicly rule out the notion of maintaining Israeli military or civilian rule in the Gaza Strip.

Netanyahu did not do so, retorting that he was “not ready to move from Hamastan to Fatahstan,” referring to the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority.

Gallant’s decision to publicly air his disagreements with the prime minister angered many members of the mostly right-wing coalition and led to calls from several ministers for Gallant’s dismissal.

Despite vehemently disagreeing with Netanyahu and his coalition partners on most issues, Gantz brought his party into the coalition days after the October 7 Hamas attacks to help address the challenges of the war.

However, he and his national unity partner, Gadi Eisenkot – both former IDF chiefs – reportedly largely share Gallant’s concerns and have lobbied for months for Israel to formulate a post-war plan, to no avail. .

File: Defense Minister Yoav Gallant (center) and Minister Benny Gantz (right) embrace, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on left, during a joint news conference at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv, November 11, 2023. (Marc Israel Sellem/POOL)

The heads of Israel’s security services have reportedly expressed similar concerns on several occasions.

Netanyahu says it is irrelevant to plan for a post-Hamas Gaza before the terror group has been eliminated, because no body will agree to take responsibility for the enclave as long as Hamas can be a danger for his potential successors.

Critics say Hamas cannot be completely eradicated and that any effort to rebuild the civilian administration of the Gaza Strip must begin in tandem with the ongoing military campaign against the terrorist group.

Some accuse Netanyahu of avoiding the topic not for practical reasons, but because of the intense opposition he faces from his far-right coalition partners, Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir. Both expressed support for Israel maintaining permanent control over Gaza and rebuilding Israeli settlements there.

Gallant hinted as much in his own comments Wednesday, when he said that “for the sake of the state’s future, we must make tough decisions – putting the national interest ahead of all other interests, even if it requires paying personal or political costs.” .”

File: Ministers Benny Gantz (left) and Gadi Eisenkot present the outline of the enlistment of ultra-Orthodox Arabs and Jews in the Israeli army during a press conference in the Knesset, February 26, 2024 (Sam Sokol)

On Friday, several Hebrew media outlets reported that Netanyahu would convene the war cabinet Saturday evening for further discussion of Gallant’s vision for Gaza after the war, as well as the stalled efforts to negotiate a deal for the release of the held hostages by Hamas.

At a security cabinet meeting Thursday, several ministers lambasted Gallant for his demands, with Ben Gvir reiterating his demand that Gallant be fired.

Gallant was previously removed from office by the prime minister on March 25 last year, amid national unrest over the government’s efforts to reform the justice system. His dismissal, after making a similar public appeal in which he warned that reform endangered Israel’s security and emboldened its enemies – months before the October 7 disaster – sparked massive protests and strikes at the national scale. Netanyahu froze the review plan the next day and ultimately backed away from firing Gallant.

The Israel Hayom daily said Gallant’s plans for the “next day” in Gaza include supplying weapons to local figures linked to the Palestinian Authority under international surveillance. In his speech on Wednesday, Gallant said it was in Israel’s interests for Gaza to be governed by “Palestinian entities” not linked to Hamas, supported by “international actors.”

File – Far-right leaders Itamar Ben Gvir (2-R) and Bezalel Smotrich in the Knesset on December 29, 2022. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The report claimed that Gallant’s plan, backed by the defense establishment, would include providing these groups with weapons, which would be electronically monitored by Israel to prevent them from being used by Hamas, and would be part of a comprehensive international effort to help govern the country. Band led by Arab nations and supported by the United States.

Explaining his position at the security cabinet meeting, Gallant reportedly warned that Israeli military rule in Gaza would require the deployment of massive forces.

“We will pay for it with many human lives and, in the end, we will withdraw from the territory and leave it to the Palestinians. Military rule will lead to loss of lives and neglect of other fronts,” he was quoted as saying.

According to a report cited by the Ynet news site, the cost of running a military government in Gaza is estimated at 20 billion shekels (about $5.4 billion) per year. In addition, Israel would have to spend considerable sums to rebuild and repair the enclave’s infrastructure.

Troops of the 7th Armored Brigade operate in Jabaliya, northern Gaza, in an image released May 17, 2024. (Israel Defense Force)

The report also said that hundreds of personnel would likely be needed to staff the military government and that five IDF divisions would need to remain in Gaza, forcing Israel to reduce the number of its troops on the northern border and the West Bank, as well as a significant increase in the deployment of reservists on operational duty.

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