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Gallant reportedly warned ministers that military rule in Gaza would cost ‘many lives’

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to convene the war cabinet on Saturday evening for further discussion of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s vision for post-war Gaza, according to Hebrew media on Friday. He reportedly said the issue was too complex and time was too short for sufficient discussion at Thursday evening’s meeting.

Saturday night’s meeting will also focus on currently stalled efforts to negotiate a deal on the release of hostages held by Hamas, after that issue was also not discussed at sufficient length on Thursday, according to reports.

Meanwhile, at a security cabinet meeting that followed the war cabinet session, several ministers lambasted Gallant for his demand Wednesday for Netanyahu to exclude all Israeli military and civilian rule in the Palestinian enclave after the war, the leader of Otzma Yehudit, Itamar Ben Gvir, repeating his position. demand that Gallant be fired.

According to some Hebrew media, Gallant left the security cabinet meeting at one point.

The Israel Hayom daily said Gallant’s plans for the “next day” in Gaza include supplying weapons to local figures linked to the Palestinian Authority under international surveillance. In his speech on Wednesday, Gallant said it was in Israel’s interests for Gaza to be governed by “Palestinian entities” not linked to Hamas, supported by “international actors.”

The report claimed that Gallant’s plan, backed by the defense establishment, would include providing these groups with weapons, which would be electronically monitored by Israel to prevent them from being used by Hamas, and would be part of a comprehensive international effort to help govern the country. Band led by Arab nations and supported by the United States.

Explaining his position at the security cabinet meeting, Gallant reportedly warned that Israeli military rule in Gaza would require the deployment of massive forces.

“We will pay for it with many human lives and, in the end, we will withdraw from the territory and leave it to the Palestinians. Military rule will lead to loss of lives and neglect of other fronts,” he was quoted as saying.

IDF soldiers operate in Gaza in this photo authorized for release on May 17, 2024. (FDI)

According to a report cited by the Ynet news site, the cost of running a military government in Gaza is estimated at 20 billion shekels (about $5.4 billion) per year. In addition, Israel is expected to spend a yet-to-be-determined amount on rebuilding and repairing infrastructure in the enclave.

The report also stated that 400 personnel would be needed to staff the military government and that five IDF divisions would have to remain in Gaza, which would force Israel to reduce the number of its troops on the northern border and in the West Bank, and would also require an increase in deployment of reservists on operational duty.

During the council of security ministers, Ben Gvir reportedly declared that he did not understand “how the Minister of Defense allows himself to speak like this, when he knows that the majority of the cabinet is against him on the “tomorrow” plan.

Transportation Minister Miri Regev, a close Likud ally of Netanyahu, reportedly criticized Gallant for his public statement on Wednesday, and told him that his responsibility was to “convince this forum” of ministers that his path was the right one.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir calls for “voluntary emigration” of Palestinians from Gaza and resettlement of Gaza by Israel during a march and rally in the town of Sderot, near the border with Gaza, May 14, 2024. (Credit: Office of National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir)

Gallant responded that he had “a public responsibility to explain the situation, if we are going in a direction dangerous for the security of Israel,” before leaving the scene.

The security cabinet meeting came after Netanyahu said earlier Thursday that he would speak face-to-face with Gallant soon. While visiting an area near the Gaza border, a reporter asked Netanyahu if he still trusted Gallant and if they could still work together.

“If you are talking about what the Minister of Defense said yesterday, then what I have to say to him, I will say it face-to-face first, and not here,” he replied .

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with IDF soldiers in southern Israel, May 16, 2024 (Maayan Toaf / GPO)

In his televised speech on Wednesday, the defense minister told Netanyahu that he must make “difficult decisions” to advance the governance of Gaza without Hamas, whatever the personal or political cost, because the gains of the war are being eroded and the long-term sustainability of Israel. safety is at stake.

Gallant warned that he would not accept Israeli civilian or military governance of Gaza and advocated governance by Palestinian entities not linked to Hamas, accompanied by international actors.

Netanyahu quickly retorted that he was “not ready to move from Hamastan to Fatahstan,” referring to the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority.

Several right-wing lawmakers urged Netanyahu to fire the defense minister, for the second time in 14 months.

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