On the trend side, the 2024 report shows a rather marked increase in the number of newborns recorded in Saint-Brieuc (+54 births), Saint-Malo (+40) or Morlaix (+44), after a low figure during the two previous years. The time has come for stability in Lannion and Vannes after a marked drop between 2022 and 2023. Births were fewer in Rennes, Brest, Lorient or Pontivy; with the exception of Brest, this drop is less marked than a year earlier.
Not all feedback is made or broadcast. Of these ten towns with maternity hospitals in the region, at least 23,000 babies were born in Brittany over the past year. They recorded a little more, in 2023. As the civil status service of the Lorient town hall points out, “this corresponds to the national trend”.
Overall downward trend
French statistics, although still partial for 2024, confirm that the decline in the birth rate continues, nationally and in Brittany. From January to October, 24,400 births took place in the region. Over the same period, in 2023, there were 500 more. Continuous but changing decline, despite everything: this reduction is four times less significant than the drastic fall observed between 2022 and 2023.
In total, the year 2023 saw the birth of 29,500 babies in Brittany. If we extend the trend drawn over the first ten months of the year, this number would be around 29,000 births for 2024. Whatever this final figure, a further drop in the birth rate is therefore taking shape in Brittany, but less markedly than in 2023.
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