
Former Pokémon Lawyer Reveals the Craziest Leaker He’s Ever Faced

Back when I was at Pokémon, a kid figured out how to get the images out of the card game. He found an icon of the developer and said, “Holy crap, I found a new Pokémon.” This kid included his email address, and because of the way Pokémon created accounts, when we got the kid’s account, we got the parental information, which included a phone number.

So I called his mom and said, “Listen, I wanted to tell you about some of the things Andrew does on the computer.” She said, “So you’re saying he hacked your game.” And I hear in the background, “I didn’t hack anything!” I start describing it to her in a more technical way. She asks, “Is that a problem?” I said, “Pirating software is a federal crime, but I don’t want that to be the topic of this conversation. Why don’t we make this a conversation about the good and bad things he can do with a computer?”

The kid tweeted live. The tweets were as follows:

  1. Pokemon just called my house.
  2. What is a general legal advisor?
  3. I know now that what I did was wrong and I will never do it again.

It was fantastic. I definitely cemented my legend in Pokémon for five years.

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Gn tech

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