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For the first time, I understand why reasonable people will vote for Donald Trump

I will never forget the overwhelming feeling of disbelief, horror and terror of the night when Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election. The bad feelings have not abated during his tenure, even though many in the same anti-woke, pro-free speech group as me have begun to warn their objections to the buffoonish talk show thug who was now president. the United States.

Eventually, many in that crowd became veritable Trump cheerleaders. The more sober among them highlighted his tough approach to America’s enemies, which saw him shake hands with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, abandon the dangerous Obama-era nuclear deal with Iran and move the US Embassy in Israel from Tel. Aviv to Jerusalem. Others seemed to relish his destruction of long-standing political norms — including his denial of the results of the 2020 presidential election.

I remain deeply opposed to the yellow-haired loudmouth – although I must admit that he pulled off some major political stunts when he was president, and might do so again if he returns to power.

Indeed, as we face what is surely the darkest American election in generations, I find myself able to understand, for the first time, why perfectly good and reasonable people might decide to vote for Trump . He’s a ridiculous and, to me, frightening character, vying for a second chance at leading the free world – but at least beyond the worrying question of whether he will go soft on Putin , its foreign policy will prevail. This is not about appeasing the mortal enemies of the West.

Joe BidenIsrael and the Middle East’s approach to Israel and the Middle East has been particularly dangerous, and with left-wing anti-Semitic rhetoric intensifying regarding the Gaza campaign and Jews facing threats On all fronts, pollsters and pundits are beginning to suggest that a small but significant Jewish vote – significant in states like Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona – could tip the scales in Trump’s favor. In 2020, compared to 2016, Trump’s appeal increased among Jewish voters, but since October 7, it appears to have increased further.

Biden once promised “rock-solid” support for Israel, but he has since moved toward a stance seemingly designed to pander to the pro-Palestinian crowd (who absurdly call him “Genocide Joe,” despite his cautiousness). support for Jerusalem so far).

From his incessant threats and punishment of Israel, to his shameful warning that he might withhold military aid when Israelis need it most, the picture is terrifying.

His appointments in his entourage are not much better. He placed Maher Bitar on the National Security Council. According to the Jewish News Syndicate, Bitar was a leader of Students for Justice in Palestine, a group that organized a program of “boycott, divestment and sanctions” against Israel – not the most reassuring appointment for American intelligence services.

More recently, we witnessed the grotesque performance of American students endorsing the Palestinian “resistance” waged against Jews by Hamas rapists and murderers.

These students’ apparent cult of violence and anti-Semitism deeply shocked honest people. But rather than standing firm, influential representatives of Biden’s party instead appeared to encourage them. Indeed, Democrats appear increasingly under the influence of viciously anti-Israel activists and members of Congress.

Only a small fraction of American students have participated in this evil nonsense or even consider U.S. relations with Israel to be an important issue. It could therefore be argued that the horrific spectacle on campuses can be ignored.

But for Jews, this is not an option. It is clear from the painful lessons of history that the question of how America will approach Israel is intimately linked to our fate, wherever we are. The United States has always had isolationist tendencies, but these tendencies have never coincided with so much local sympathy for terrorism and hatred of Israel.

So when Trump claims that “Biden has completely lost control of the situation in Israel,” as he did last month, and suggests that Jews who vote for Biden “should have their heads examined,” we must admit that he is right.

Even moderates can see this. Mark Penn, Bill Clinton’s former campaign chief and now a highly respected pollster, wrote recently in the New York Times: “Mr. Biden’s campaign has fundamentally miscalculated the importance of Israel… (a lot of its potential voters) unreservedly support our ally Israel and, I believe. , want to see a president who would put maximum pressure on Hamas to release the hostages… The more Mr. Biden has pandered to the left by softening his support for Israel, the weaker he looks and the more his foreign policy ratings have fallen. »

Polls suggest that among most voters, housing, cost of living, health care and everyday issues that affect people top the list of concerns. But if the United States allows the evil powers of the new anti-Western axis – China, Russia, Iran, North Korea – to commit with impunity the murder they so ardently desire, there will be no of life in the West that is worthwhile. defend more.

Since October 7, Jews have been forced to see this. For a growing number, this translates into the feeling that next to Biden, Trump might be more capable not only of combative speeches, but also of the combative actions necessary to keep the world order under American control – and therefore safer for “Jews and non-Jews”. -Jews the same.

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