
FDA Considers Updating COVID Boosters, Novavax Stock Reacts

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is set to vote on updated COVID-19 booster shot recommendations as the KP.2 variant begins to spread across states -United. Anjalee Khemlani, health reporter at Yahoo Finance, joins Market Domination to discuss the impact this is having on vaccine makers, particularly Novavax (NVAX), whose shares soared during Monday’s session.

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This message was written by Luke Carberry Mogan.

Video transcription


Novavax shares soared today as the Food and Drug Administration announced it would vote to recommend a new COVID-19 booster shot here along with more.

As Yahoo finds, senior reporter Angélique can.

That’s right, and of course, Nova.

We know that one of the companies profiting from this is looking to make the most of this FDA decision.

If they decide to offer the J and one variant as the strain the company should focus on, that includes, of course, gamers.

And we know that these two will obviously come out with their vaccines as well.

And that shouldn’t really be the tension that we need to focus on here in the United States.

KP two now exceeds J and one and we’re still following these strains, and they’re all subvariants of Ron.

The only upside is that no matter which strain the FDA chooses, they will all be able to offer some level of protection.

Barring a price, we know that this is the continuing story of Covid disease which, you know, has evolved, continues to evolve and has a mild impact.

Most of those protected It therefore remains to be seen what the deployment will look like in the fall and what the demand will be.

But Novavax is standing because it will be able to play this fall.

And as you said, Novavax is looking to capitalize the most because they have the most to gain because they’re coming.

I mean, in other words, most of the other players are big companies, like a lot of other products, not Nova Well and Moderna as well and not so much with the others.

He is still working on his other products.

So, uh, he’s also released his RSD vaccine now.

So it has two products, but yes, Novavax, still the one that only has one product on the market, and it’s this one right now, so it has everything to gain.

I also talked to someone to find out if it really mattered or not.


What does the fall recall campaign really bring us?

And basically he told me that, you know, if we’re looking to boost the American population as a whole, we’re all pretty strong right now.

It doesn’t really matter.

It’s for those who are immune, deficient in some way or need that support through what are called memory cells.

They, their body cannot produce the necessary protection.

And so, until some random variant shows up that we’ve never seen before, we’re all pretty good.

News Source :
Gn Health

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