
Fatherhood poses a serious hidden health risk that other men don’t face: ScienceAlert

Later in life, fathers have poorer heart health than non-fathers, according to results from the first longitudinal, multi-ethnic U.S. study of fatherhood and cardiovascular health.

Although there is variation based on the age at which men become fathers and the ethnicity of participants, it appears that stress and parenting responsibilities may make it more difficult to maintain healthy heart habits.

The US researchers suggest their study highlights areas where fathers could be better supported by their communities and health professionals.

“The changes in heart health we saw suggest that the added responsibility of childcare and the stress of transitioning to fatherhood may make it difficult for men to maintain a healthy lifestyle, such as eating a healthy diet and exercise,” explains the first author of the study. , internist and pediatrician John James Parker of Northwestern University.

Parker and colleagues looked at data collected on 2,814 men aged 45 to 84, who were followed for up to 18 years.

Heart health was assessed through a combination of self-reports of diet, exercise and smoking habits, as well as recorded measurements of body mass index, blood pressure, cholesterol and glycemia.

In addition to generally poorer heart health for fathers than those who had never been parents, it was worse for men who became dads at age 25 or younger – particularly for black and Hispanic men – and this group had also higher mortality rates.

A range of factors could play into these statistics, according to the team behind the study. For example, younger fathers may be less financially stable and less likely to have flexibility when it comes to time off work.

“Often we focus on the health of mothers and children, without even thinking about fathers, but their health has a major influence on their family,” Parker says.

“To improve the health of families, we must consider the multidirectional relationship between mothers, fathers, other caregivers and children.”

The data does not prove direct cause and effect, and the health differences between the groups were not huge – although they were statistically significant. With heart disease being the leading cause of death among men in the United States, it’s an association worth studying.

Interestingly, when considering all causes, the overall mortality rate for fathers was lower than for non-fathers.

When the results were adjusted for age, the only racial and ethnic subgroup with a lower mortality rate among fathers was black men. This suggests that becoming a father could protect black men, perhaps by promoting a healthier lifestyle.

As the researchers point out, fathers’ health affects not only the men themselves but also the families around them. Some of the changes that come with fatherhood may be inevitable, but not all of them will be.

“We really need to study fathers as a unique population and track men’s health outcomes as they become fathers,” Parker says. “Cardiovascular health is particularly important since health-related behaviors and factors are all modifiable.”

The research was published in Focus AJPM.

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