
Face The Nation: McKenzie, Vinograd, Georgieva

Facing the nation: McKenzie, Vinograd, Georgieva FR24 News English

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Did you miss the second half of the show? The latest news on… Gen. Frank McKenzie, former commander of US Central Command, told “Face the Nation” that his “strategic” advice to Israel is that its response to Iran should be “narrow” and have “a definable beginning and end.” Samantha Vinograd, CBS News Homeland Security contributor and former Homeland Security official, told “Face the Nation” that terrorist organizations are “using the Israel-Hamas conflict to try to inspire their supporters and operatives around the world “to act”, and Kristalina Georgieva, from the International Monetary Ministry. The fund’s director told “Face the Nation” that the economic impact of instability in the Middle East has so far been “somewhat moderate,” but “any impact as small as it might be n “is not desirable in an economy with high uncertainty and still low inflation.” be brought back to the target.

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