
Emily Blunt explains where her ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ character is now

Emily Blunt has a revolutionary opinion about where she is. The devil wears Prada the character is today (Hint: there’s not a stomach flu away from his goal weight). At the premiere of Blunt’s new film Scapegoatin which she stars alongside Ryan Gosling, the actress said she hopes her character, also named Emily, has ditched her unrealistic diet.

“I just hope she eats a nice French sandwich somewhere and is just happy,” she told E! News. Maybe the next fan fiction will focus on Emily Charlton opening her own sandwich shop. “Not a cube of cheese. I hope she’s sort of transitioning to a real sandwich at this point.”

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Blunt’s former co-star Anne Hathaway, who played Andy Sachs, also imagined where the young assistant would be today. “I think Andy is in Paris and I think she’s writing for a wonderful French women’s magazine,” she told E! in a previous interview. “I think she’s an editor and speaks French fluently. And I don’t think she’s married, but she might have a kid or two. I think she’s pretty fabulous.”

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like we’ll get any insight into their current lives. While promoting his new film The idea of ​​youHathaway shut down fan theories that a sequel to the beloved film was in the works.

“I wouldn’t hold out too much hope,” she said Additional earlier this week.

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Although the cast didn’t agree on a sequel, they had nothing but good things to say about filming the 2006 film. Blunt previously credited the film with developing his personal fashion sense. “I didn’t know enough about the fashion industry before this film,” she said. Variety Last year. “I think I dressed like a teenager until this happened, and I learned a lot.”


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